Check the overview thread for more information about the meeting.
- Cartesian Caramel
- Dalai Felinto
- Hans Goudey
- Jacques Lucke
- Simon Thommes
- Iliya Katueshenock
- Falk David
Meeting Topics
- Potential 4.3 targets:
- Gizmos
- Bake to .blend
- Slide operator
- Still need to create feedback thread
- Volume Grids
- Original design proposal (current plan does not include different socket shape)
- Lots of stuff is in main already behind an experimental feature flag
- WIP: improve data type information in socket tooltips
- Spreadsheet improvements
- Grease Pencil integration
- Official lazy connect from node wrangler
- Asset embedding
- Needs working prototype for existing design to figure out implementation complexity
- Design proposal
- Workshop notes
- Lists
- Start working on this when volumes go out of experimental
- Bundle/Closure
- Smooth/True Normals Access
- GSoC Projects:
- Sample Sound:
- File import nodes:
- Output more values from geometry nodes that can be used to drive other stuff (e.g. bones using a new constraint)
- Show which nodes are (not) evaluated (e.g. with simulations, baking, switch)
- Baking in outliner
- If asset embedding is done for 4.3, it would be good to add more assets