15 July 2024
Notes for weekly communication of ongoing projects and modules.
Modules & Projects
- 2024-07-09 Blender Admins Meeting
- 2024-07-09 Nodes & Physics Module Meeting
- 2024-07-09 Render & Cycles Meeting
- 2024-07-11 Pipeline, Assets & I/O Meeting
- 2024-07-12 Animation & Rigging module meeting
New Features and Changes
This is a selection of changes that happened over the last week. For a full overview including fixes, code only changes and more visit projects.blender.org.
- Move Bone Selection Sets add-on into Blender (commit) - (Sybren A. Stüvel)
- Action editor, show slot user count if not equal to 1 (commit) - (Sybren A. Stüvel)
- Operator to convert a legacy action to a layered action (commit) - (Christoph Lendenfeld)
- Add dopesheet & graph editor filtering support for layered Actions (commit) - (Sybren A. Stüvel)
- Add concept of ‘active slot’ (commit) - (Sybren A. Stüvel)
- Special .asset.blend files, for storing externally editable assets (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Add API for editing assets stored externally in .asset.blend files (commit) - (Brecht Van Lommel)
- Disable “Open Blend File” operator for assets from asset system files (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Make brush assets non-experimental (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Support meta data in GPU compositor (commit) - (Omar Emara)
- Add White Point mode to the Color Balance node (commit) - (Lukas Stockner)
- Show compilation subprocesses information (commit) - (Miguel Pozo)
- Add method to set local layer transform (commit) - (Jacques Lucke)
- Simplify adding multiple layers with empty drawings (commit) - (Jacques Lucke)
- Remove tint tool from tool bar (commit) - (Falk David)
- Expose overlay options in UI (commit) - (Falk David)
- Fill tool overlay for extension lines and circles (commit) - (Lukas Tönne)
- Automerge feature for joining curve endpoints by distance (commit) - (Lukas Tönne)
- Interpolate Tool (commit) - (Lukas Tönne)
- Draw Tool: Enable eraser while holding CTRL (commit) - (Falk David)
Geometry Nodes
- OBJ Import Node (commit) - (Devashish Lal)
- Allow naming geometry sets (commit) - (Jacques Lucke)
- Support attaching gizmos to input values (commit) - (Jacques Lucke)
- Support grease pencil in Join Geometry and Realize Instances nodes (commit) - (Jacques Lucke)
- Support link drag search for Bake node (commit) - (Iliya Katueshenock)
- Refactor position and mask smoothing for BMesh and multires (commit) - (Hans Goudey)
- Data oriented refactor for snake hook brush (commit) - (Hans Goudey)
- Use faster undo push function before transform tools (commit) - (Hans Goudey)
- Avoid normals calculating when starting filter/transform (commit) - (Hans Goudey)
- Data oriented refactor for elastic transform (commit) - (Hans Goudey)
- Data oriented refactor for transform tool (commit) - (Hans Goudey)
- Data oriented refactor for nearest vertex search (commit) - (Hans Goudey)
- Add report for invalid mode for trim tools (commit) - (Sean Kim)
- Initial data oriented refactor of relax face set brush (commit) - (Sean Kim)
- Initial data oriented refactor of topology relax brush (commit) - (Sean Kim)
- New asset based brush management workflow (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Rename “Sculpt Tool” etc to “Brush Type” in the UI (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Update Principled BSDF node description (commit) - (Alaska)
- Support semi-modal text input while other UI stays interactive (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Allow asset shelf to not have an active item (commit) - (Brecht Van Lommel)
- Uncollapse first levels of catalogs by default in asset shelf (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Turn asset shelf popup into a popover, add operator to call from shortcut (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Use Official Blender Logo As Blender Icon (commit) - (Harley Acheson)
- Dyntopo Detail Size Edit status text (commit) - (Sean Kim)
- Voxel Size Edit status display (commit) - (Sean Kim)
- Improved Area Icon Using a SpaceType Callback (commit) - (Harley Acheson)
- Remove unused brush preview icons, now replaced by asset previews (commit) - (Julian Eisel)
- Simplify outline parameters definition and usage (commit) - (Richard Antalik)
- Check for scene.sequence_editor != None in UI (commit) - (YimingWu)
- Pass scrubbing and playing state in SeqRenderData (commit) - (Richard Antalik)
- Expose subframe sound offset to the end user (commit) - (Sebastian Parborg)
- Hook up sound subframe sliding to the VSE slip modal operator (commit) - (Sebastian Parborg)
- Add passthrough support for Meta Quest devices (commit) - (Fermin)
Weekly Reports
- Aaron Carlisle
- Bastien Montagne
- Campbell Barton
- Christoph Lendenfeld
- Clément Foucault
- Dalai Felinto
- Falk David
- Germano Cavalcante
- Hans Goudey
- Harley Acheson
- Jacques Lucke
- Jeroen Bakker
- Jesse Yurkovich
- Julian Eisel
- Lukas Stockner
- Lukas Tönne
- Miguel Pozo
- Nathan Vegdahl
- Omar Emara
- Philipp Oeser
- Pratik Borhade
- Raul Fernandez Hernandez
- Richard Antalík
- Sean Kim
- Sergey Sharybin
- Sybren Stüvel
- Thomas Dinges
- Weizhen Huang
- Wu Yiming
Google Summer of Code - Week 7
- GSoC 2024: Sprucing up the Video Sequencer (Weekly Reports) - #8 by linen
- GSoC 2024: Sample Sound Node - #8 by megakite
- GSoC 2024: Improvements to the Blender macOS User Interface Experience - Weekly Reports - #16 by Brainzman
- GSoC 2024: Geometry Nodes: File Import Nodes - #11 by Devashish_Lal
- GSOC 2024: UV Stitching Improvements - #8 by Anish_Bharadwaj
- GSoC 2024: Improve Distributed Rendering & Task Execution - #8 by David_Zhang