Although Python lines in tooltips aren’t implemented yet, I would like to propose this small UX improvement before the release of the Beta.
In Blender 2.7X we have to either re-type Python lines or search for them in documentation. It would be really useful to have a hotkey that copies Python line from tooltip to the buffer.
It will also help with Python lines that’re too long for a tooltip.
So much going on in this thread. I don’t know if these have been adressed or not, if so just ignore.
The color picker icon is misaligned:
And there’s a problem with the user prefs when you install a theme the bar with “save user settings”, “install theme” etc. flips from the bottom to the top. It resets itself when you close the user prefs window. It’s a bit confusing:
I like the changes that are being done to the context menus but there’s one missing option that I keep noticing:
When a mesh object is selected you have to option “Convert to” and you can convert the mesh to a mesh (which also applies all modifiers) or a curve.
The same option is missing when a curve object is selected. It makes sense to add it to that context menu as well.
insert keyframe should be brought back to it’s position,it’s most used than the shortcut “i” and set origin too, it no longer invokes the menu, it sets geomtery to origin…snapping and pivoting is now harder, maybe it’s just a bug.
Could it be possible to be able to grab move the workspace tabs in Blender?
It would be much more convenient then the currently available options: “Reorder to Front” & “Reorder to Back”
Paper Cut: In GP top bar material selector menu, resize of this popup only happens after mouse release, and doesn’t even go all the way the mouse goes when resizing upward.
Not sure if this should be a user interface topic or paper but here goes:
Currently, the Quick Favorites Tools allow multiple instances of the same command.
Also, if you Quick Favorite a T-Panel Tool, the tool appears in the Quick Favorites named as “Set Tool By Name”.
Moving objects by specific vertex and snapping to an edge of another object.
On an example - Currently to perform this task I must:
Enter Edit mode
Select Vertex
Move 3D cursor to selection (Shift + S)
Enter Object mode:
Set Origin (Crtl + Alt + Shift + C) → Origin to 3D cursor
Grab near the the desired edge along an axis
Select “magnet” (Snap during transform) & choose edge
→ Finally snap the moved object to desired location
There could be a toggle option to snap select a given vertex or midpoint of an edge of object A (while being in object mode) and then while moving it, it would snap to the desired edge of object B.
Such function would be a game changer both for people migrating to blender and being a massive time saver.
And in some panels is missing, as overlay menu:
if you don’t have a full-hd monitor and all the options does not fit the vertical scroll is really about going up and down with the mouse.