Blender UI paper cuts

Another thing that I found is layout for Render Setting is off too, but don’t know whether this is important for now or not. Please see below.


Here is two paper cuts:

  1. In some slider (lot of them) when you press shift to fine adjusting a value it jumps to the initial value instead of continue from where it is. In many case you want to start without pressing shift to set quickly the value then press shift to make fine adjustment but it doesn’t work since the value go back from its original value.

  2. When we have a long menu (lot of brushes in sculpt mode or simply a long menu) using the mouse wheel browse the items in the menu. It can be better to scroll the entire menu down or up. Also it shouldn’t loop when at the end.


In relation to point 1.

The way that shift / ctrl / ctrl+shift behave is inconsistent in a lot of places. Depending on where you use it, the shortcuts make the value change in units of 1, .1 or .01 or even .001.

Could be better if it were unified across the board?


When selecting animation curves for properties with XYZ values (such as position or rotation) a lot of the curve points will be overlapping each other. If I really quickly just want to select the Z curve, I have to cycle through the XY curves to reach it.

Either an easier way to solo curves would be appreciated. An easier fix might be that if I already have a point on the Z curve selected and go to select an overlapping point, the Z curve will be “preferred,” because it was already selected.

Why is the “layer mode” in the Outliner the default mode, instead of the “scene mode”?

I’ve seen several people complain that hierarchies aren’t displayed in 2.8 due to this.

Also, what good is the layer mode at all, btw? I don’t get it.

To see the layers? (Collections)

But I can see that in the scene view? Already?

Also, in that layer mode, there’s a collection button which adds a new collection… (but it doesn’t look like a “new anything” button). Why isn’t it a new layer button instead?

And in the scene mode, there’s no button to add a new scene, for example. But I can see both layers and collections on top. Even though there’s objects belonging to a collection at the bottom.

Is it just me, or is the wording/metaphor inconsistent?

New cut: When I translate or move something, the icon bars disappear. That means, when I hold down control to temporarily enable snap, I get no visual feedback for that (until a snap happens). At least, the snap icons should unhide when you hold down control to show what type of snapping you activated.


This has already been noted and added to the list, here:

It’s also just generally jarring that the top of the viewport flashes when transforming things.


Another Proportional Editing Issue:

It would be awesome if we could toggle proportional editing during a translation. As it is now after pressing G, S, or R you can’t turn proportional editing on or off. I would love to be able to press O or alt O to toggle it on or off without having the cancel my current translation operation.



New cut: Auto-merge, which used to be an icon, has been moved to a sub-menu and is only text. I think that’s important to see at a glance, as well as the x-mirror (and z-select), so I’d like to have them next to each other sort of like this:



Yes and weridly enough it works for collections but not for parenting!

maybe clicking should continue to work like now, but if you right click you get the popover to choose camera :slight_smile:


Suggestion for how to handle the disappearing header problem.

The information that appears in the header is pretty sloppy, and it makes the header disappear while using operators. Now that we have the status bar, information about operator hotkeys can be displayed at the bottom of the screen, but the other information is still left behind in the header.

Why not have the operator panel pop up while you are performing an operation instead of after you confirm the operation? Most of the information is the same anyway, and it is presented in a much cleaner way in the operator panel.

For this to work the operator panel would have to live update, and it would have to contain extra information like axis lock: ‘along global z’ etc… If you press escape or right click to cancel the current operator, then the operator panel could go back to displaying the previous operation.

Does anyone know a reason not to do it this way? This just makes sense to me. :slight_smile:


yes, oh my god, yes!!! i’ve been saying this for ages!

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I think that the iris icon looks too much like the other round icons.
The little camera is more distinct in my opinion.

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The axis designations are cut-off in Bone Constraint > Limit Location & Scale at smaller column width.



Okay, this is admittedly a very small paper cut in that it probably only annoys me and nobody else…


Although this is only a small error, it has slightly larger bad result. If the display scale is close to 1 (0.95 - 1.05) then the positioning of the icon is clamped to nearest integer. The result is that the icon is not perfectly centered but noticeably off to the left. It has two pixel padding on the left, and three on the right.


Hide/close the header, now what? Might be able to remove most of them, but the one for header should probably remain.

i think the colors are mismatched