Blender UI paper cuts

Blender has a Text editor. Blender has a Text object.

It’s crazy you can’t edit the text object’s text using the text editor, or assign a text datablock to a text object to draw its text from.

I realize Blender is not a word processor, but this is a pretty painful omission.


Instead of seeing a circle around the vertex that shows the approximate size of the proportional influence it should paint the affected vertices the way they’re gonna be affected. Like in weight paint mode where you can see a gradient of the vertex weights. Currently, the only way to know which vertices are gonna be affected is to transform the mesh to the extreme like fatten/shrink so you’re able to see the influence pattern on the vertices.

This is what I mean:

This is the way proportional editing currently looks like.
The simple circle doesn’t really help because the users can’t see which vertices are affected unless they actually start transforming them.

This is the way proportional editing should look like. This helps the users to understand which vertices are affected without having them transformed in any ways yet. Especially if they use different falloff types.

The second image is just a visualization of my idea, done with weight paint mode.


This has been suggested multiple times. There was someone working on it, but has been silent for a while. Then someone else started working on it. You can look at the post here:


In the Text editor, Edit-> Text to 3d Object -> single object or multiple lines.
Could the functionality be improved to be bi-directional? Sure. But the basics are there.
Nice for doing credits.

Capsule as primitive object

The Dope Sheet and NLA editor have two of the same sets of options right next to each other:

Since it’s pretty common to toggle some of these options on or off, what about a filtered / unfiltered state with a dropdown like the viewport has overlays / no overlays with the options in a menu? That keeps the speed and saves on space.


Do any of the devs even check this thread ??

@billrey for sure does. They have been fixing issues here and there. The problem is, a lot of the posts on here are feature requests, not necessarily tweaks and blender is in feature freeze mode right now. So, no more new features until future releases, just bug fixes and ui tweaks.

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they do, however this thread is turning into a spaghetti…some of us are asking for features and this thread is about small UI problems that are easy to fix.


I agree with you but the line is very thin. Overall it is 2.8 good with only small issues. After that they will choose what to do.and fix.

I suspect these are already known, but just in case:

  • Sculpt doesn’t have an annotation tool, but you can still hold “D” and draw an annotation. Additionally, the sculpt tab has annotation overlays off, so potentially the user can hit D and draw things without realizing it.
  • Sculpt/paint has a lot of options in a Display popover which seem like they should be in the Overlay popover. Cursor displays and that sort of thing.
  • In the Sculpt tab, should Cavity be set to Screen instead of World? There is a pretty significant performance difference between the two.
  • Constant detail might be a better default than Relative for Dyntopo. I find it a lot more predictable at least.
  • On Extrude Along Normals, Offset Even is off by default. I’m not certain what the use-case is for having offset even be off, so it seems like that should be on.

That’s exactly what I’m looking for. I hope he submits the code so that it will be integrated into Blender.

i think annotation tool is very useful in sculpt mode for draw overs or quick assessments. and should be turned on by default so when users hold “D” key it shows that is drawing…however i would add “placement menu” to the annotation in the N panel, right now u have to exit sculpt mode and either go to tha Annotation tool or Tools tab to see it…i would also add the “fade 3d objects slider” for Annotation that grease pencil has, but i guess that’s more of a feature request than a simple paper cut.

I think we should be able to drag a minimum sized area to join/collapse it with the one in the direction of the drag.


It’s very confusing opening new areas, the UI gives no indication of what the action will do and depending on where the window is it seems to do different things. I open one, I try to close it and open another one, etc, etc. Having to right click -> join area is very much a paper cut.


I second this. since the little corner arrows were removed it’s hard to know you can even split the window. I just opened up blender and I couldn’t find the logic in how blender determines you want to close or open a window. At first I assumed (when splitting vertically) upper corner splits and lower collapses, but that’s not the case. A solution like this could work nicely though.


There has already been some discussion about Split/Join Areas, if you are interested.

I have seen the new “indices” option. Could we work with that edge and face groups???

Other Papercut, reorganize the “view” panel in N-shelf is necessary.

Transforms parameters can’t be in “view” panel, it needs their own panel.

Controlling wireframes Opacity looks good to me
and add an Option to Overlays Wireframe all , Wireframes Selected.
already proposed in Blender 2.8 Wireframes Discussion here me again because everybody wants it