Everyone is welcome on the Google Meet linked below every other Thursday, at 17:00 CEST.
Present: Bastien Montagne, Charles Wardlaw, Jesse Yurkovich, Michael Johnson, Micheal Kowalski, Sergey Sharybin
The meeting covers the pipeline & I/O module in a broader sense, including some topics hosted in other modules (e.g. some I/O python add-ons, or overrides and .blend file I/O from the Core module).
- Google Meet
- Previous meeting
- Next meeting
- Pipeline, Assets & I/O project
- Core project
- #pipeline-assets-io-module chat channel
- #core-module chat channel
- #USD
Upcoming Blender 4.2 LTS release
Blender 4.2 moved to the BCon4 (Release Candidate) stage yesterday. The release is scheduled next week. Everything seems on track for this module.
The option to define (or skip entirely) a custom namespace for custom properties has been implemented in 4.2.
Targets for Blender 4.3
Micheal K will check targets for 4.3, and create design/TODO tasks for the non-trivial ones.
Regarding the issues with usdz & udim, it seems to be a general issue currently in USD implementation of some DCC. However, this should not be an internal USD limitation. Micheal J will check on the task.
Jesse will work on some designs for collection exports (the mix of properties/options between filebrowser export and collection export is a problem, would be better to have a way to clearly separate them when needed).
Micheal K retargeted the Blender collection/object hierarchy fixes (#123820 - USD Import Renames Prim above Mesh - blender - Blender Projects, #124102 - USD import breaks even the simplest hierarchy - blender - Blender Projects) for 4.3.
Improved Integration of USD in Blender
See also the synthetic task.
Readonly Instancing
Display and very basic interaction/editing of USD data without actually importing it in Blender.
Charles created a doc for this:
Micheal J advocates for some simplicity in the initial approach for USD editing (only support editing of a single βtopβ layer e.g.).
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 1rst August, 17:00 CEST/Amsterdam time (your local time: 2024-08-01T15:00:00Z).
The provisional meeting agenda will be linked in the #pipeline-assets-io-module channel before the meeting.