New icons for Blender 2.8x

Good catch - I thought I already did it, but I really didn’t.
EDIT - done.

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The umbrella icon is quite nice aesthetically, but I don’t think it gets the point across in any coherent way unless it’s specifically explained.

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I followed ( Always write unused IDs on save ) but now there is not any more activity: I’m very interested in the topic, where is the discussion going on now?

Thank you,

ps. I like the security pin, specially in comparison with shield.

Why does the visibility of modifiers have a chain as an icon?
It is so similar to the share link of this post … ⇒ … ⇒ … ⇒ … ⇒… ⇒ … ⇘

After the last icon set update, the question ain’t valid anymore. Just wait until the repository update.

Inspired in Avira antivirus?
Avira open
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How shortly is shortly? My impression was this wasn’t happening for 2.80

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Slightly off topic but still a bit icon-related…

We have these little arrow things that show up when we hide a side panel or header. I’ve always thought they look a bit chintzy somehow.


How should they look? What kind of shape signals what they do?



And another question, but definitely icon-related.

For Enum lists we are not currently indicating which item is already selected. If we were to do so, I don’t think that we should use our current “checkmark in a box” icon (CA14) because it would look like an icon beside an icon, rather than a separate indicator:

Not sure which way to do it, but I don’t think either of these options would look right with current checkmark. I think it needs something simpler, like this:

PS: I notice you made me a new “collapsed menu” (hamburger) icon! Thanks!!


I totally agree. Bright saturated red always looks like an error message, like, everywhere in nearyl every context. Just desaturating it already helps, I think.


I am wondering this as well. @billrey @jendrzych, is it really intentionally? The chain icon doesnt make any sense in most contexts.

As I already mentioned, the Monitor icon was restored. Fresh icon set sholud get its way to the repo soon.

Oh I’m sorry, I missed that.

Icons for the object components selections and those in snapping options dont match. I personally preffer those ones form the snapping options so pls decide on one style and make it consistent.

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Can you explain what is going on here?

The OUTLINER_DATA_SURFACE icon appears to look like a text paragraph? What is this meant for?

It is so old that I forgot about it … The purpose of this icon is “Complete Match (string search)” Designed based on this task: LINK

but where do we use that, and why did you replace the OUTLINER_DATA_SURFACE icon with it?

I created the icon at the very begining of the icon set redesign. Just after I found the task I likned above. Many things have changed since then, so it’s possible, that the veri pictogram ain’t needed anymore. Besides it looked like the OUTLINER_DATA_SURFACE isn’t used, since Surface ObData used (and still does) Curve ObData icon - T3. Shall the Surface ObData be restored in the T10 cell?

I think so, yes. Currently that is the OUTLINER_DATA_SURFACE icon, which seems wrong. I can make sure we use that for Surface object data

Ok then. I’ll fix it in a few minutes.

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