Let's talk a bit about the new File Browser 2.81

They shouldn’t be closed, but the main Blender window should be brought to the foreground (so the floating window is behind the main Blender window). That way you could cancel out and go back to the file browser if you didn’t mean to close Blender.

That does sound better at first, but could get very complicated because the File Browser itself can be used during the quit-confirm process. Makes my head hurt just thinking of all the weird corner cases. LOL

Is there an issue with using the file browser while the quit-confirm dialog happens to be displayed? Even if you, say, import an entire model into Blender while the quit-confirm dialog is open, what’s the harm? Just load in the model. If the user decides to hit Save, then it saves the scene with the newly imported model. The actual presence of the quit-confirm dialog shouldn’t really have any effect on anything, it just happens to be sitting there over the main Blender window as if everything was working normally, and the user can then decide to either save, quit without saving, or cancel and continue on as if nothing happened. Am I missing any weird corner cases that you were thinking about which this does not cover?

This was a known issue early on, as you can imagine I hit this a lot when testing.
I simply never got around to look into it, there were other higher priority things.

AFAIK in other floating windows (e.g. Shift+Drag corner of 3D View) the popup is displayed within that floating window. Not sure why that doesn’t work for the file browser, but that should probably be fixed for 2.81.
(Note that this is far from ideal when using small windows.)

Longer term we should use proper dialog boxes for such confirm prompts. So far we don’t use them because there was no decent way to do this on all OSes, but it shouldn’t require much effort to implement our own dialog boxes.

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It actually does, but only if you hit Ctrl+Q to quit while the File Browser window is active…

It seems like the popup only shows up in the active window…

Is there an option to make file browser non-sensitive to mouse pointer?
I have a wired mouse, sometimes when you release the mouse the cable exerts a small pull that moves the final position of the mouse pointer (or the same can happen due to an oversight). In Blenedr file browser it means that for example when you are typing the name of the file to be saved and press Enter to save it, if the mouse pointer was accidentally positioned in the left margin on any location, then that location will be opened accidentally causing you to grab the mouse again, choose the correct location and other extra steps that you had not planned.
I understand that it is not a big problem, but I would like an option to make the file browser not sensitive to mouse pointer position.

Having the file name at the downside is not as efficient as when it was at the top, once you set the correct path you have to travel with your eyes and the mouse across the entire screen to proceed. The path and the filename are tied so why having one on a side and the other at the opposite ?
Is it planned to have a setting in preferences to choose ?

Ps: Standard things are not always efficient…

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Is there a reason why the file browser have basic stuff like path auto-complete? So if you start writing d:\s then it should five you a list of possible folders like d:\stars, d:\stuff and d:\shoes with the alphabetically first one auto-completed like your internet browser does with urls (type dev and this site name should be offered as auto-complete option). It is super useful features and makes file browsing so much quicker.

Also why not have windows style folder tree on the left side? That way I can browse the folder tree very quickly to get where I want. I think the drive letters buttons is an outdated concept that even windows got rid of in windows 98. It is just slow and cumbersome way to figure out a path to a file you want to open somewhere.

I’d also prefer a lot if all the options were not behind drop down menus. Especially when you have so much space on screen to use to just show them?

Here a quick sample I made which should be easier to use:

  • You don’t need search text bar. User should be able to search just by typing into the single text box that is already there.
  • No need to have separate text boxes for folder path and object name. One is good enough.
  • Add “open” to right click menu.
  • Folder tree on left and you should be able to navigate it with arrow keys.
  • Buttons to quickly change between previews and list view list. More detailed options behind mouse right click and not drop downs.
  • File path auto-complete with a list of options.
  • user should be able to navigate at any moment by just typing a folder name (with nothing selected) and blender should select a matching file or folder
  • control+mouse wheel should toggle through all browser view options from list to big previews
  • have more stages between list. List, small thumbs, medium thumbs, large thumbs for example.
  • blender should not even attempt to open files which it won’t open (.png for example). Don’t close the file browser and show the error message. Instead show the error message on top of the file browser.

I just tried it and it seems nice, but I’m missing the ability to click in the file system view and just be able to type to move to and highlight folder or file names.

Also, more importantly, although perhaps this was never a feature in Blender, I’m missing the ability to apply a scaling factor to OBJ imports (very often, everything comes in 100x too large)… it probably was never in Blender, but FBX has it (but FBX has other hierarchical scaling bugs that Blender developers said they won’t fix which makes it unusable for me anyway).

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Guys, did you notice a little flaw I’m about to write is a bit boring?

When you search for a file, and select it, and open it it won’t load … this is because the file is not really selected, and you have to double click on the file to select it …

It would be useful if this small defect were correct


Not just when you search… :slight_smile:
This is a common issue in blender… This always happen when you’re coming from a text field. No matter what you do, your first click will just get you out of the text field, even if you click on a button/file etc…


Collections - how about an option to view Hierarchy?
It’s a bit painful to look for a needed collection among hundreds, when only a couple are actually first or second level ones.

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Totally agree! I loved how every folder saved the display option separately.

Why cant I see my windows shortcuts folders? Its just so wrong.

Hmmm, I can see it…

Or you mean something else? :thinking:

Support for Windows Shortcuts is in blender 2.90 or newer.

I don’t have anything to add to the actualy UI discussion of the browser. I use it and I like where it’s heading so I leave that to you guys :smiley:

There is just one thing file-browser related I really, REALLY miss in Blender: A “save incremental” command that lets me actually skip the browser when saving something.Using the Plus button on the keyboard is pretty cool and I would love to have this in other software as well but ever so often the cursor is not inside the right window secion so instead of increasing the file numbering I just increase the sidebar zoom. And the lack of a “woah dud - do you really want to overwrite?” doesn’t make it better, either. :wink:

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Very old request :wink:

Won’t happen, it’s too good to be true.

I know it’s been requested a few times. Change doesn’t happen if you say “oh okay then” after the first time it’s shot down. :wink:

I mean, it’s pretty obvious, isn’t?
If we need to force stuff like this, that’s a sign that something is not right.