Left click select keymap

Then we are forced to use keyboard shortcuts for something that really should be straight forward and simple.
My suggestion would solve the hassle of touching the keyboard for such simple operation. And on top of that it would be optional, so I can’t see a reason not to add it, unless it’s a lot of work (code wise).

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Yeah. If ‘Shift Dbl-Click’ can work correctly as a Toggle. Just like ‘Shift Alt Click’ does right now. Then I think users who work with ‘Emulate 3BM’ can have the the exact same functionality for Loop Select/De-Select as ‘Alt Click’ Users and still have the functionality for using LMB + Modifier Keys for Viewport Navigation. Win-Win. :slight_smile:

PS: Also, getting this working will definitely help with the Maya, Max-esque ‘Industry Standard Keymap’ where Alt + LMB/MMB/RMB maps to Viewport Navigation. :sunglasses:

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Exactly what my post was all about. Thanks for verifying that it is indeed something you guys intend to improve upon. :slight_smile: And also from my post. Not really sure what’s the real use for ‘Alt Dbl-Click = De-Select Loops’ Because right now, it just de-selects all. Pretty easy to mistakenly Alt Dbl-Click when using a tablet to select loops with Alt-Click. And once we get ‘Shift Dbl-Click’ to work as a Toggle to De-Select, the need for Alt Dbl-Click De-Select may become obsolete? What do you guys think? :thinking:

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Yes, I really miss the gizmo when using the selection tools.
I always thought it was a work in progress and that it would be there eventually.
It feels unfinished and confusing as it is now.
I hope they reconsider.
I’s a must imo. :v:

i think the solution to that is more like maya where LMB does drag box selection/select,and MMB does the move action this means they have to move “rotate” to Alt+MMB because you can’t combine multiple actions in just one key.

Not a problem at all - imagine, that one cilck outside selected item(s) removes all selection, but do not start new selection. It would need another click (or click+drag) to start new selection, and another click+drag within selected items hotspots to trigger the Tweak tool (or drag’n’grab, if those two are not the same thing). Simple and intuitive.


That would be over complicate things imo.

See, all I’m using here is the LMB, no keyboard hotkeys no extra hassle.



that’s modo, i think!! can you click outside the gizmo and tweak without using the gizmo or switch the tool?

Is that the select tool including a transform gizmo, or the transform tool and box select being available for all tools?

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It’s the select tool including a transform gizmo.

I’m sure you are aware that we use MMB to manipulate the view in Blender?

In the context of the way 2.8 works, the way to potentially support this kind of thing would be to have a way to do box select without using the B key, while the Move tool is enabled.

For some tools, we already have a way to change what dragging does - see the Transform tool, for example, which lets you chose if dragging should move, rotate or scale:

All that’s needed then is to add Box Select to that list.

It’s better to add more ways to select while the Transform tools are active, rather than adding all sorts of gizmos to the Box Select mode. The Gizmo is part of the tool.


I’m not a huge fan of deselecting with outside click for 2 reasons:

  1. There is the case where there is no “outside” (modeling close to the mesh or too dense scene)

  2. If you are making an “important” selection and you don’t want to accidently break your selection by click outside instead of a vertices

Once again - there’s an outside space, even in a crowded scene: Left click select keymap

Imho, this is too much complexity for the move tool.
The gizmo is not just for the Box select, it should be available for Circle and Lasso tools as well.
This is pretty much standard in 3D applications.

The selection tools are tools, aren’t they?

yes, i am aware of that it was just an example based on what i saw in this task https://developer.blender.org/T54963 ,the tie breaker is alt+LMB for orbit(rotate view) and Alt+MMB for panning but tweak/move is absent hence MMB is free for it.

I can’t see how this would work efficiently. Then to select something new it’s always two steps: First click to deselect and then click again to select.

What we could do, is to make it so that dragging starts a box select while any tool is active, if nothing is selected. Then there’s no conflict. Then simply deselecting serves as a quick way to get back to box selecting things.

Then I can’t see how deselecting all can work efficiently the way it;s implemented now.
There’s always a trade off - the method proposed by me does not require keyboard involvement and is friendly for users of tablets and styluses.
I mean the whole proposed solution: https://blenderartists.org/t/blender-2-8-is-now-fully-usable-with-left-click-object-selection/1134496/116?u=jendrzych

It wouldn’t work properly. Like the example I showed above, I’m starting new selections while there are points still selected. If I had to deselect everything just to start a new selection, that would be a nightmare.

Besides, the issue is that we are not just talking about the Box Select tool. It’s about the selection tools as a whole. Circle and Lasso should also have an option to display the transform gizmo. I think it’s simpler that way, and would avoid future conflicts with certain tools and workflows.

Just a simple checkbox to show/hide the gizmo included in the selection tools would save the day.