Industry Compatible Keymap: Questions, suggestions and answers

If reset to default it works fine.
Must be I messed up something.
My bad.

Is there a communicated ETA for the release of the new UV tools?
It is quite hard to do UVs in Blender 2.8 at the moment because of the tool modes inconsistency with the 3D view, the “broken” scaling with the multi-transform widget…

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Afaik, @ideasman42 is working on this.

UV Editor has Move, Rotate and Scale tools now

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Thank you for letting me know. I downloaded last night build and noticed the improvements on the tools. However there are still a few issues:

  • Move, Rotate and Scale tools don’t have gizmos.
  • Move, Rotate and Scale tools don’t support box select.

These issues are concerning the Transform tool and not the Industry Standard keymap, but I’ll report them anyway:

  • Transform tool widget doesn’t work when selecting two vertices that are vertically or horizontally aligned, it is totally flat.
  • Transform tool gizmo doesn’t have a white circle around the selection when selecting one vertex. You can only move the vertex on one axis at a time.
  • Scaling using the transform tool isn’t working properly (try scaling non-uniformally and notice that the selection doesn’t stay inside the Transform Tool box).

Thanks for the support!

Why doesn’t the transform scale gizmo support locking at the center (so no negative scaling pointless most the time anyway)…ie you can resize 2+ verts, edges, faces etc… to make them flat along a particular axis… was one of the nicer features from the nex plugin for maya… now integrated into maya from …years ago now

common blender it ain’t hard to have better ux

It’s faster and more accurate to just type ‘0’ when scaling.

In maya my left hand is over wasd area, my right hand is on the mouse, I select face/vert etc… I switch to scale manipulate, I drag the mouse in the direction I want to scale the selection to center (where it locks, so I don’t get any stupid negative scaling because the manipulators have that option for scaling, why doesn’t blender)… now in blender my hands would still be in the same area… what was a quick action in maya, now according to needs me to move my hand to press 0… how in the hell do you people consider blender to having good ux at all…

The behavior of the gizmos is really not related to this keymap specifically.

As for scaling easily to zero, you could hold Ctrl, which allows you to snap to zero more easily without typing in 0.

Well, seems like a simple option to include for the scale manipulator, maybe someone can pass it onto the relevant person.

Also does blender now have a the winner column keymap available to select in the options/first start? Would be nice

Not sure what you mean, but you can elect to use the Industry Compatible keymap when you open Blender 2.8 on first launch.

@billrey Hi, love the new Keymap. I’d like to throw in some suggestions that might be worth a thought or tweak before release.

  • 3D View Snap is mapped to V but 3D View - View Pie is also mapped to V in this keymap. So the snapping pie wont work. Changing Snap Pie to Shift+V would make sense.

  • I think the important pie menus should all have Shortcuts in the Industry Compatible Keymap also. I see that the main focus right now is on good compromises for shortcuts to minimize learning between blender and other 3d suites, but as the pie menus are a quite promoted feature within the 2.8 release and have their impact on usability, they should be available within this keymap.
    The shading pie menu e.g. is not available at all.

  • As I have a german keyboard layout. I had a problem with some key combinations. Squarebrackets already needs a modifier on a german keyboard by themself, so its impossible to trigger something like Ctrl+[ or Ctrl+].
    I’ve written a small script for Autohotkey as a workaround, which I could paste here if there’s some interest in that. But I thought I’d at least should mention that there’s a problem with these hotkeys for other keyboard layouts.

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You are right - I will fix this.

That is true - any suggestions for a shortcut for this? Not entirely sure it’s needed, but perhaps we could add it.

Yes, it’s the same on Danish keyboard layouts too, which I see a lot here. Probably many other languages. Ideas for alternatives are welcomed.

I think for things like the pie menus a guideline could be to map it to hotkeys quite similar to other related hotkeys already mapped, as this helps with reminding it and is often the case in other programs. Or keeping the original blender hotkey might be an option too, if this does not result in conflicts.

And as this keymap has C for Cursor. The Snap Pie could be mapped to Shift+C, as it contains quite some cursor related operations ( Alternatively X as in Maya or S as in 3DsMax would be options too)

Then there’s the viewport pie on V so
Shift V would make sense for the Viewport Shading PIE

The Proportional Editing Pie

  • could be mapped to Shift+O to keep it similar to the Blender Keymap as it is already with the Orientation and Pivot Point Pie,
  • or it would make even more sense to map this pie menu to Shift B as turning on proportional editing is mapped to b, that’s what I would prefer.

I think it also would be very nice to have that tool popup that is mapped to shift+spacebar in the blender keymap to the same shortcut here.

And as Ctrl+Spacebar is mapped to hide the right panel completely, having ctr+right or ctrl+left instead of ctrl+[ and ctrl+] would fit quite well and would not lead to keyboard layout specific problems.

@billrey Sorry the last argument is partially wrong. I thought the ctrl+spacebar hotkey would be present in the IC keymap too. Just double checked and its not. Ctrl Left Arrow and Ctrl Right Arrow are also already mapped to the timeline. So the idea conflicts in Layout Workspace. But the Toogle Maximize Area could be mapped to Shift + Spacebar, what would keep it quite Similar to Maya and Shift + Left Arrow and Shift + RightArrow as alternatives for ctrl+[ and ctrl+].

Just updated to the newest build of Blender 2.8 and notice “Duplicate” is now CTRL + D rather than its default SHIFT + D. Is that by accident or was that a new change added to the Keymap that I missed? Its present in both Default and Industry Keymap.

I mapped it to the ; key. Its rather convenient for me mostly because its closer to all the other “Pie” keys.

I also mapped the snap pie to the / key.

I’m confused by your question. Duplicate uses the following shortcuts:

Default keymap: Shift-D
Industry Compatible keymap: Ctrl-D (Cmd-D on Mac)

That has not really changed for either keymap.

Disregard, it was a issue with my keymap. I had it set to the default Shift-D for the Industry keymap.

Where is the sample color ? in blender “default” its there. bit in industry can’t find it , kind of missing.

I guess you’re talking of sampling color for texture painting. Yes it’s not (yet) in there.
It seems the industry compatible keymap is meant to be simpler than the (new) blender keymap to leave even more room for custom shortcuts. Hopefully it does not end too simplified. But it’s not yet finished and main focus for development currently is on hunting critical bugs, so I guess we have to be patient here and see how the keymap evolves.

As a workaround for now you could trigger sample color by clicking on the color button in the top tool bar and then clicking on the eyedropper.

Or you can add the shortcut manually in the keymap. Under Preferences->Keymap unfold “Image” and the nested “Image Paint”. Click “Add New” button at the end of the list. Unfold the new last entry and type in “paint.sample_color” in the identifier field. Choose a shortut of your liking. ( Tip: You should not choose “S” as its already mapped for customizing the brush size, “I” as in Photoshop is not used in Texture paint workspace, so that might be an option.)

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