Call for Content: Themes

I think the blue in the properties panel is a mistake. You’re using it for the color for selected items, but then you use it as a background . It calls attention to nothing and makes the selected tab not the color of selected items.
That’s my feedback, hope it’s appreciated.
Otherwise I love the theme and voted for it.


Becci Bleach, a desaturated dark theme

Zeirus, there are three problems with that:

  • I don’t have a version of Lightwave newer than 8.5
  • Lightwave 2018’s UI doesn’t seem to have much in common with my theme. From what I’ve seen, the last faint echoes of the original LW theme went away after LW 9.6.
  • I don’t plan to make any more themes until the UI stops making me hunt through the program in order to figure out what every change affects, and stops making me guess what setting affects any given element.

I’ve now added the Lightwavesque XML file in my original post. If you want to use my theme as a starting point for making one based on Lightwave 2018, feel free. I think you are probably better off starting with something like Blender Dark or Dark Blue Gradient, though.

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Thank you. I also think that probably it’s better to starting from scratch with Blender Default Theme.

I just done that Theme. Will upload a picture when I get to know why I can’t select in edit mode. Is it a bug in the latest version or just me?

So here is my latest and final update on my rather unexciting dark theme which intends to fix functional issues of the default one.

To summarize:
Like I elaborated on before it fixes

  1. the chaotic visual hierarchies by introducing brightness cascades that emphasize menu structures (higher in the hierarchy = brighter / visually more prominent).
  2. it introduces subtle gradients to clearly distinguish buttons and inputs from other UI elements.
  3. it avoids decorative color in the interface entirely as it is important for a design-application to provide a neutral environment / canvas to work in (I went into greater depth on this here).

Theme: okapi-dark.xml (51.3 KB)

Here is a comparison:


If trademarks in Theme names is an issue, one idea would be to use instead a place name associated with the inspirational source:

Montreal == XSI
San Antonio == Lightwave
Mountain View == Modo



Yes I agree. I actually did not make this one as a submission but rather just for fun and anyone can download it as is but if any of the others you mentioned get selected they might need another name probably.

Absolutely beautiful theme! Proves that non flat designs still can look modern and elegant. The only thing i dislike is the usage of 0.0 Black as highlight color, imo something like 0.06 (Brightness Value) looks better.

Also the Modifiers Background is too dark to make buttons distinguishable. But i know that this is a problem with Modifiers using the ‘Box’ color that is also used by stuff like lists… I also ran into this problem multiple times. It would be nice if this got it’s own theming option. Or maybe use the “Background” Option from the Properties.

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So against better intentions I spent my Sunday improving my theme some more. :slight_smile:
Additionally to lotsa details that I addressed there now is a flat version, too.

Original dark version:

Flat version:

For reference the same scene with the official theme:

I forgot the most important bits. The theme files. :slight_smile:

okapi-dark-flat.xml (51.3 KB)
okapi-dark.xml (51.3 KB)

If you try the themes yourself you will find some details that are not visible in the screenshots like the fact that inputs being edited get bright as they are the highest priority elements. Value sliders also increase their contrast while being edited as a side effect.

And finally two a little more flattering screenshots that are not as escalated as the ones above.


this, while crazy, is actually cool!

Hi guys !

I wanted to try and participate for a call of content for blender, and as i’m a fervent defender of light themes, i tried to make one for Blender :smiley:

Here is a first try, obviously it will improve by the time :slight_smile:
Hi guys !

I wanted to try and participate for a call of content for blender, and as i’m a fervent defender of light themes, i tried to make one for Blender :smiley:

Here is a first try, obviously it will improve by the time :slight_smile:

Don’t hesitate to criticize and help improve the theme :wink:

Cheers !

Don’t hesitate to criticize and help improve the theme :wink:

Cheers !


Really cool!
One thing that I would personally change though is the animated state, I think it should be a bit more evident, and keep consistency with the default theme, like this maybe:


Another very small thing: in the shaded version I would probably also add the shading to menu items if I were you.

You got a pro looking theme here, feels consistent and absolutely non-flashy, reminds me Substance tools in a way.

Funk pink theme for fun and cool look

i cant upload the xml for newbie :confused:

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There’s a couple good light themes here already, but here’s what I’ve been using for a year now. It’s lighter than the default light theme in 2.8. I’m thinking of calling it Rain Clouds. EDIT: maybe Light Rain would be a better name :sunglasses:

Dropbox link for the theme, since I can’t do attachments as a new user: Dropbox - theme_rain-clouds.xml - Simplify your life


Great to see other Audio enthusiasts around. I modeled the OP-1 once too.

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Haha, I just thought it looked cool. Would be cool to own to play around with, but at $1,000? I dunno.

Yeah, the OP-1 looks super slick and modern. Well if you are not heavily into music production, I don’t think that would be reasonable. :smiley:

On behalf of the Blender developers, thank you for all your excellent submissions. I have now attempted to pick 7 themes for inclusion.

I started with the top 20 voted submissions. From here I took the most popular ones and grouped them with themes that looked very similar. I then took those are ordered them from bright to dark to ensure we get a good spread.

Here’s the preliminary list of picks, ordered from bright to dark:


Super bright theme, for certain environments this can make sense.

Fresh Snow


Similar to: Breeze


Pro3 (needs a new name)

Nice medium grey
Alternatives: Blender Medium, Modo, Maya, Awesome Theme


Alternatives: Dark Blue, Godot

Dark Minimal

Alternatives: Blender Pro, Greetooth, Yello