Blender UI paper cuts

Time for a new cut.

Active loop cut tool does not show the number of cuts above 1.


For anyone looking to try and fix this, the pre-select gizmo VIEW3D_GGT_mesh_preselect_edgering should be fetching number of cuts from the operator property, not have a fixed value of 1.


yes please we need this i cant live wiotuht it

New paper cut:

Iā€™m really liking the View Pie Menu (Short cut ~ (tilde) ). For example, Iā€™ve become accustomed to hitting ~ followed by 3 (number row) to quickly focus on selected item(s). I find myself reaching for the NUMPAD less, and this is actually improving my workflow (I use a tablet).

However, I really think that the View Pie Menu should include Isolation Selection (NUMPAD /).

I think the View Pie Menu is an elegant and more user-friendly alternative to using the NUMPAD, and while Iā€™m certainly not advocating eliminating numpad shortcuts, I would really appreciate a quick way to access Isolate Selection (NUMPAD /) with my left hand. Thoughts?



Just a small issue with the default theme.

In the text editor, it can be quite hard to see what is selected, because the background is dark and the highlight color is almost black. Doesnā€™t make sense to me.



That sure is an easy one.



So left it untouched will be the best solutoin.

We wrote a python routin for this in 2.79, so we already have it.

You are welcome to submit a patch to add shift-clicking to the Outliner on It can then be reviewed.

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Most apps donā€™t requires python coding in prefrences, no thanks.
Blenderā€™s prefrences are one of the most complex in software industry, itā€™s easy to accidently mess up there.
But we understand that devs are changing prefrences often during tests, and they want to automate this routin. This is not the case, but you can make a hidden dev backdoor (as part of devmode) for such a thing.

Something that has annoyed me for years, is that closing nodes by default often makes them too narrow, so that you cannot read the header text.

By default, the node becomes this short:

It would be nice if the closed node had a reasonable length by default:

The simplest heuristic would be if nodes just kept their length that they already have before you closed it.


That would be really nice, also removing all the irrelevant node out of world modeā€™s options would be very helpful too.


Why is this option not in the preferences editor? Seems very important!


select it and make ā€œsave startup fileā€

Why changing it to a lower or a standard value? Iā€™d say: keep the same width as they have in open state

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Yes, exactly - thatā€™s what I wrote :slight_smile:

sorry i missed that line! :sweat_smile:

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As you see above 1 object is selected. But the verts/faces/tris is still for the entire file.

It would be nice if when you select objects, the count would switch (or write in parenthesis after) statistics only for the selection.

EDIT: Didnā€™t 2.79 already do this, or am I remembering wrong again?


To keep it consistent, I would think it would be :
Verts: (selected objectā€™s vertex count) / (scene vertex count)

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Not sure how to report this bug, but the little white lines around the rotation gizmo indicating angle snapping when holding down control has disappeared for me. :frowning:

A paper cut associated with this is that the actual angle appears in the top left corner of the screen, instead of near the gizmo where you are looking.

I think this is to keep things consistent, and because you might be modifying things that arenā€™t in the view.