Blender UI paper cuts

When International Fonts is set to “Japanese”, some characters are displayed in Simplified Chinese.


Yes, we could make the brush icons fit the toolbar icons more. But I’m not too worried about the brush icons, which I hope can become dynamic anyway. With that change, there would be no mismatch.


The most important information in an image node is the name of the image and its location, either with relative or absolute paths. My suggestion is that in the legend when you leave the mouse over the name of the image also appear its location as in the following mockup:


I like your suggestion, one step better would be to show a thumbnail of the image on each image texture node.


Oh, my god yes! Thumbnails all the way, like in 3D Studio Max (ugh, can’t believe I said that). :stuck_out_tongue:

Every Youtube tutorial on material nodes always put in extra nodes to preview what they are doing in the viewport constantly, and it seems like such a hassle. Especially for a beginner who might not understand what it going on at each step.



For BOX selection I proposed solution for 3D viewport and it could be used for other areas as well.
Blender 2.8 - Shortcuts feedback its better than [B] for box selection

Does this issue also apply to Blender 2.79?

Which two tools are those that display in the header and Status Bar? The one that shows the tooltips in the header is likely a bug or mistake.

Unfortunately, AFAIK we can’t have previews for each step in things like material nodes. But there could be a preview image for the bitmap textures I think - I can’t imagine that would be an gigantic task.


In 2.7 hotkey to adding Subdivision Surface modifier (Ctrl+number) works with object mode and edit mod.
In 2.8 this hotkey works only with object mode, in edit mode this hotkey doesn’t work.

If you scale Shader Editor window then Color Picker menu is scaled with window.

Yes I understand it works like pice of nodes and scaled with them. But I think it would be nice if Color Picer window was always of constant size.


Yes. This issue also exists in 2.79

bevel in the viewport, knife in status.
I think you should rethink bottom bar.

  1. remove useless navigation icons that also blink and took useful space
  2. put all tools’ info there instead of icons => header of 3d view will stop blinking too

Not mine, and not exactly a Paper cut but…
Why not having the HUD view name/mode (and maybe render engine?) on the right side, where view stuff is? This is consistent also with having content stuff (collection | object name) on the left, where content menus are

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Mac only:

In most windows/applications, you can right-click in the title bar and access the folder hierarchy of current document. Also you can drag and drop the file icon to move or copy it.

Super useful OS default behaviour.

In Blender, this would work, if Blender wouldn’t encode filenames (e. g. %20 for a SPACE character).

Right: Apple Preview
Left: Blender


Must be a font issue then I suppose? But we would need a Japanese developer (or someone fluent in it) to look into this to ensure it’s done correctly.

Yes, in fact this already works if you ensure there are no spaces in the file path. The space issue is annoying, for sure.

Shift mod. key adds to selection when used in companion with LMB Box Select and Ctrl + Box Select removes from so far made selection. But simple point and click with above mentioned mod. keys doesn’t work in consistent way. Shift adds to selection, while Ctrl makes last clicked object selected and active, cancelling the rest of so far made selection.
It should work the same way, no matter what kind of selection is performed - simple click, Box, Lasso, Paint (no-ides-why-it’s-called “Circle”) selection…
Simple click should wipe selection as well. In crowded scene it will start new selection, so as the Box Select does now.


changing gizmo’seize is not easy, you’ll have to go to the preferences and change it while working, maybe putting a duplicate/temp one in the overlays will be more helpful or another way to make it more usable.


Well does it? For me even the path that does work (all folders before first space or special char) are off be one index.

Also, I refuse to name files like we did in 1980 :wink:

As far as I confirmed, some correct Japanese glyphs are not included in droidsans.
It can be solved by specifying NotoSansCJKjp as UI font.

but,most Japanese Blender users don’t seem to care much about this issue.

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