Blender UI paper cuts

Commentators of my posts do not understand what I am talking about. Everyone is happy, everyone is happy.
This is not about the left mouse button or the context menu. It’s about general politics. “Usually we moved to the right, but now we moved to the left, and they gave us a grant! Now we will constantly move to the left!”
The analogy with an iPhone is an EXAMPLE, why take it literally? You would also write: “the analogy with the iPhone is not applicable, because the iPhone is not a blender.”
By attracting new users, the blender fits into the framework of a new policy that is tolerant to all users. The blender is on a par with 3D Max, Maya, Houdini, and others. “The more users, the more money.” “The customer is always right.” “The direction of movement is chosen by the one who pays.”

I really hope that the blender will be fine, this is important for me.


True? )))
Why can’t these “non-mediocre” users use regular, more ergonomic blender keymaps? Gizmos too for them? )))

interesting graph from what i noticed it’s not easy to have both power & ease of use, so this might be more feasible in the future for blender, and it’s clear power is more important in general but if blender can reach this position it would be in a great shape imo.


Actually Blender motto is “3d for everyone”. Did it change?

That is extrapolating in a biased way. Blender developement (and all other related activities) had never been driven by profit. For BF having more money means hiring more developers, and/or investing in infrastructures. So I don’t even barely think that Somebigcorporationdesk would be listened if they come and say “make blender a toy and I will cover BF with pure gold”. (Yeah I’m extrapolating too!)

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because knowing in depth the blender workflow (using it and seeing its evolution from the earliest times)
And knowing also the deep workflow of XSI MAX Lightwave and Maya I can see well what are the strengths and weaknesses of “both worlds” and I can thus say that there is still a good margin for improvement for blender without losing its equally powerful worflow of “combo modal shortcuts”

but above all I am of the opinion that there is a good margin of yield to make blender even easier to use without losing power and speed of operating speed because I have seen examples like Moment of Inspiration 3D that show that you can reach certain peaks. MOI3D is so easy and so powerful and so brilliant that it’s hard to believe.

I’m not one of them, I prefer the blender keymap, even the current updated one. Others prefer what they are most used to.

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You sound upset. I don’t understand why: you expressed some doubts about the direction Blender is going, some of us expressed opinions about why your concerns might be unmotivated.
Well… time to go back to my pink Blender installation…


always on guard with the pink project :wink:

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Don’t know if it’s a papercut or a just bug, but I can’t set my desired X/Y axis colors because they are influenced by the grid color, this mix happens even if the grid has 0 alpha.

Hello, I am not sure if this was mentioned before but I find “save”/“open”/“export”/etc file dialog as a full window too cumbersome. I often really need to see the object names or their numbers or whatever state to give the file a correct corresponding name but I cant because the dialog is full window and not resizeable. Would be great if that dialog could be floatable.

yea, but it will change ⚓ T62971 File Browser UI :wink:


A huge papercut of mine. Pick shortest path (ctrl) overrides repeat last command (Shift R)! This is really annoying because sometimes you use Select shortest path to select certain bits of mesh and then you want to get the exact same extrusion or bevel as you did with the previously selected bit of mesh, but you simply cannot do that and have to switch to other, less comfortable selection modes and waste loads of clicks and your time. Please make select shortest path a proper selection tool that does not override the Repeat last action command.

To replicate the problem:

  • Make a grid in the viewport and select faces using Pick shortest path
  • Apply operation like Extrude or Bevel
  • Select other bits of faces using Pick shortest path
  • Repeat last action (Shift R)
  • Fail

As a user you’d expect Blender to repeat the last action like extrude or bevel that actually modifies the mesh, not just selects parts of it. When you realize that select shortest path overrides the Repeat last action functionality (while other selection methods don’t) you will have to undo previous mesh modification if you need exactly the same results number wise. This is a huge papercut IMO.

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at first: sorry for my bad english.

There is a little Papercut at the Addon measureit. When disabeling “atomatic position” it would be nice, when all values would be set to 0.00.
This would save much time while creating technical drawings.




In the NLA editor, there is no way to change that blue color for the object’s channel.
Kind of petty but it bugs me because I can’t fully harmonize my theme.



A question - is there way to turn on all collections to view entire scene and switch back to configured state with a single hotkey?
Didn’t found it.
If you have 1000 collections and you want to see entire scene to manage in current View layer - you are in trouble.

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Yes - you could add a new View Layer and set different visibility there.


That’s actually was the point - to view all collections in current visibility layer.

For example, I have 500 visible collections with houses and 500 invisible with entourage.
But windows, fences, doors, roofs and other stuff collection are turned off.
So I need to have 600 turned on, and 400 tured off.

How is it supposes to locate those 100, keeping at the end visibility of other collections intouched?
By creating and deleting 100 visibilities states, remembering name, going 100 times to regular visibility state and setting visibilitties to those collections?

Or, maybe, clicking throug 500 turned off collections manually, remembering where you have been and what you’ve seen?

How much of health is enough to do all this?

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Also, this is not a sandbox with boxes anymore.

So there is sheep model in collection “Car”, BMW model in collection “1111”, and roof with grass shares same collection, because deadline was yesterday when file were created.

What is solution for that case?


The case in which you were disorganized and put things in the wrong Collections? Blender doesn’t automatically do anything about that.

You are free to put a sheep in your Car collection.

So we need to be careful every time we working with collections, and hope that other people will care about it?
It just never works.

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So, if there is no way to solve scene in such condtitions, we need a tool, that will allow to manage that.
Here is a proposal

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