I don’t know. And you don’t know either. 1 year? 10 years? Forever? Probably you’ll be able to export a keymap file and use it for years even if 2.7 keymap will be dumped in the future.
One thing is sure: when it comes to retro-compatibility Blender is by far the most trusty software out there. Sometimes this conservative approach is even a brake for some features, but go tell it to people that can work and render in 10+ old PC…
The 2.7x keymap will at some point be removed. Personally, I’m not going to use it and here is why.
As new tools get added they will most likely not be added to the 2.7x keymap.
You are already locked out of certain features/tools by using the 2.7x keymap.
The 2.7x keymap no longer works properly with some of the tools and the new (less efficient) workflow
Since the devs said that left click is going to stay default and some of the other bad changes are here to stay there are only a few things we can do.
- Use the new inefficient workflow
- Quit Blender
- Ask them to offer more flexibility to the user preferences so that we can undo most of these changes ourselves.
I’ve been editing the user preferences for the last few days and exploring ways it can be improved. I’ve almost restored most of the functionality I’ve had in 2.79. There are a few extra things they can add to help with this process such as being able to create our own pie menus that would work similar to how the favorites menu works.
If I can successfully get this to work properly I’ll also make a tutorial series showing how to change the default keymap to get it to work like before. I’ll post the user pref file, a PDF detailing the changes I made and why and how to make them yourself.
For those that choose to quit blender I’ll also create videos showing how to make changes to Maya,3Ds Max, and Fusion 360 so they are more optimized/work more like blender used to.
I agree - Moving in the right direction now!
more or less my same way of working forever … and in this probably blender has always been unbeatable in speed modeling probably already 2.4 version and has always burned other software …
street fighter combo using of keymap was the biggest insight ever
who understands the metaphor is already halfway …
Anecdata IIRC: once upon a time, in 1.xx era, one user called tHe-IcemAn, who liked to call Blender style as the machinegun (always everything under cursor, pressing numbers to trigger menu entries), and a Max user tested who could model something faster. Max user ended second.
the sense is that …
I always imagined something similar …
in my mind when I modeled in blender, compared to when I modeled in other software.
I use to have Blender set up to delete whatever I had selected (faces, edges, verts) without the menu of deleting options pop up. Is there a easy way to turn this off, this one change has really slowed me down (Maya you don’t even click, just hover over). If possible, I would also like to turn of the “did you save” before closing pop up, those are the only two changes that really feel like the wrong direction to me.
You can remove the quit prompt via Edit > Preferences > Save & Load > Prompt Quit.
As for deleting mesh components based on which mesh mode your in I’m not aware of a way to do it, it’s too context-sensitive, it really needs to know what you want to delete when you delete something. You can remove the prompt on for instance object deletion, though. Search for keybinds bound to ‘x’, and see if any have the ‘confirm’ option
This isn’t a ‘change’ though, neither of these confirm-esque menus are new in 2.8
Yes, I’ll have to try that out, thanks! My older 2.79 version use to just delete what was selected depending on if you are in vert, edge, or face mode (hold shift and it would dissolve). This might have been a part of a add on called Blender Sensei, but ether way it was genius.
I use the same and mapped Ctrl X to delete Vertices, Alt X to delete faces, Shift X to delete Edges.
Works like a charm.
Also Limited dissolve is Ctrl Alt X for me
… Also forgot to note that when you’re in the Delete menu, you can RMB on anything and assign the shortcut on the go from inside the viewport
This is my configuration for 2.8 a mix between 2.8 and 2.7. hope it can help you.
Nice, I’ll try that. I am a bit spoiled from Blender Sensei content aware delete, but it may be time I move on.
Thanks, that’s good for reference.
@AdamPreisler @Lluc3D nice tips guys …
one thing that I’m finding very useful is the repeat history menu to be called via shortcut … I suggest to put it in a free sporadic key
I’m discovering that when model, sometimes due to the fact that it repeats already completed actions, it is more faster than to go to reselect shortcuts and tings and redo the whole operation …
Support for Tab for edit and pie-menu, Z for wire toggle and draw modes has been added as a preference.
Enable “Pie Menu on Drag”, in the keymap preferences, check the tooltip for keys which have modified functionality.
Exact behavior can be further extended if users find it useful.
A post was split to a new topic: How to call menus when fullscreen?
3 posts were split to a new topic: Long press events?
The most helpful hot key I have ever made was double middle click for Show Active, it is something needed extremely often and the Keypad isn’t a decent place for it since not everyone has one and the right side of the keyboard last place beginners look and learn.
Which brings me to my issue, when right clicking and pressing the Change Shortcut… you cant record double clicks.
I say this often but doubles are under used and could help with a lot of the confusion. Middle mouse is designed for navigation, and it is where people are expecting to find navigation options.
Double middle = View Active
Shift Double middle = Local View
Ctrl Double Middle = Camera View
Alt Double Middle = Perspective
This is consistent with Blenders theme and even helps complete it, but most importantly it gives people with out keypads options. I really think it should considered in 2.8 as a default, or at least an emulate keypad option.
Double click events (and long press events) fall under things that don’t work all the time, they’re a bad keypress type to be primary, especially if you’re then not going to learn the proper shortcut for something in lieu of them. They belong being assigned by the user.
They delay other types of keypress events
They don’t work when you get into dense meshes or scenes, if anything intensive slows the ui they fail.
Thanks for letting me know, that’s very interesting and disappointing. It is a theme I have been using and sharing with my friends/beginners for a long time. Its so intuitive I never have to tell them, they always stumble upon in minutes. We manly do assets/character modelling, which is not as intense as a cinematic scenes.