Blender is moving in the wrong direction

Blender “original theme” was no double clicks, avoid drag as much as possible (specially when precision needed), spread actions over all 3 buttons (wheel came later), combine keyboard and mouse all the time. IMO serious anti-RSI approach. IIRC Ton even said he swapped the mouse from one hand to the other periodically.

But if you like that as personal config, great. Not a huge fan of wheel, but it seems to be mostly free in 3d view, I would try that instead (with 3 single mods give 6 actions, more with combos).

That is awesome to hear how Blender has grown, and I’m sure with good reason. Blender being unique with its middle mouse navigation comes with some strong advantages over many programs (like being able to at least rotate before learning modifier keys). Though we are all happy and content with the current set up, it doesn’t mean there isn’t still room to grow. For example, Blender uses Ctrl for snapping in every aspect of Blender except navigation where it uses Alt (not everyone knows it exist, probably because it is inconsistent). So yes I realize that currently using double clicks aren’t reliable enough in certain scenarios to be used as default, but for as skilled as the Devs are, I wouldn’t be surprised if they eventually find a way… Maybe years to come but for the possible potential, I think it is worth keeping an open mind too.

Also to clarify, I wasn’t suggesting that those keys replace the numpad completely, but in the same way you can use Alt to emulate half of the keypad, I am suggesting we also continue to emulate the rest of it.

I used a Dvorak analogy in the other thread, so here, I’ll just say “dinosaurs had their chance and nature selected them for extinction”… :wink:

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Not so unique, other softwares use middle in some ways. Sometimes to handle all view things too, see Microstation tutorial.

Sometimes they are inconsistent and wrong, other times it’s just because things collide and something had to be used.

Devs getting into gene editing so humans don’t get RSI? wink If you mean about being able to configure mode, the popup should match the Preferences interface as much as possible. That way it’s not just more consistent, but user can adjust everything in one go (double click, release, drag, etc, and modifiers) and even see what will be called and where it will be in Preferences.

Are yo uthe same guy, posted the same thing on Facebook few months ago?

Irony, how did I end up making suggestions about adding things to Blender in this thread.

Yes Cad and others like Marvelous have middle integrate but Blender uses it as its main. I find the middle mouse more intuitive than Maya, Substance, or Unity styled layouts, of course not as intuitive as Zbrush, 3Dconnexion, or touch for apps but that is because Blender specializes in generalizing. . After learning all those different programs and their perspectives, it’s hard not to see where Blender is very strong but still has some untapped potential.

Not so much of configuring a mode, similar to the way they recently changed how blender opens certain files incrementally so it doesn’t overload on the bigger ones. There may be a way to set priorities or save a bit of resources that are sectored off and designated to input. So that way even if it is too laggy to respond, it still would now the difference between a double and single. I know it is something Photoshop has be playing with over the past couple years (not that there’s turned out that great). I’m not expecting anything, but at the same time I would not be surprised.

Max if you are talking about me, possibly, I don’t hide my name and have a pretty consistent opinion on this subject, sorry if it gets redundant.

Agree, so many useful tools were changed and make me angry.
Of course EEVEE is amazing, but a lot of significant items removed and useless toys added =(

I DON’T NEED ICONS, I could feel my 2.79 blender with my fingertips.

It just a small example.
I am still can not maximize windows using shift+space for example, as easy as I can did it in 2.79
But in my shortcut list I can see it set to Ctrl+Spacebar and it does not work.
Many-many-many annoying things =(


Tried factory settings?

talking about ouro :slight_smile:

Lol, I think I have seen him on the Procreate App forums too

I agree - Moving in the right direction now! more user friendly for new users.

But why Add-on have no po file and no Add-on online management like App store(Google Apple), Unity Asset Store(Unity3d) , Plugins store (Wordpress) ?


You know, it’s still beta, so a shortcut that is not working is prooooobably a bug, and was not made intentionally. :wink:

Because it takes a lot of effort and money to manage it, and there is BlenderMarket out there so… why spend B.I. money on a market or an addon repo when it can be spent on development?


Because a store generates money

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That’s right, but wanting to have a store business is a personal choice that maybe no one wants to do in the B.Institute or the B.A.Studio.
But there are others that actually want, like CG Cookie with Blender Market :slight_smile:

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Yeah, that’s true

But Blender Institute have a store right now.

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Yes, that is true, but they sell just their stuff, is not the same to manage your own stuff than having to manage a lot of sellers with benefit percentages and file serving at a bigger scale, etc…

It doesn’t make any sense and goes against blender principles. Blender Foundation doesn’t sell software, they sell blender cloud subscriptions to access their production files and learning materials and trainings to teach how to use blender itself. A lot of people were upset when paid addons gained popularity in the blender community, why? Because if there is an addon for something and a lot of people use it, this reduces users demand from developers to implement this natively in blender. And if this addon is paid it creates paywall.
Not to mention idea to have market to SELL ADDONS to IT’S OWN software the market belongs to is broken fundamentally. Even for commercial software. If you sell your software and you’re creating market to sell addons for YOUR OWN software, why bother to add functionality from community addons to your software when you can get bonus cash for selling addons and sell the software at the same time?

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Blender foundation has store for training, materials how to use blender, books, clothes. It’s completely different thing (i.e they don’t sell functionality of blender itself in any possible way.)

If they see well in selling the material of their movies I do not see that it is wrong that other users want to sell the material of their scripts, models, brushes, tutorials or software.

It is an argument of the GPL community without weight in the real world, it is wrong to sell only what some decide… When denying that you can sell payment plugins dor blender are not getting that there is no paywall, you are getting that there is simply a wall that no one can jump and so there is a moralwall.