The Raytracing feature needs some additional work. First off, the option to turn it off is hidden inside the menu unlike other settings like Shadows, so it isn’t clear if it is active or not from a UX perspective. Also, it doesn’t seem like it is possible to actually turn it completely off. Because of this it can become very hard to see changes on the canvas with specific settings for Raytracing, even with Denoising being chosen.
I also noticed square artefacts on the canvas when I opened up this current file across the entire canvas caused by Raytracing, but I can’t replicate the issue to take a screenshot as of now.
High Quality Normals when combined with Raytracing and Temporal Reprojection can give ugly normal artefacts while moving the camera:
Some parts of the object can sometimes get black artefacts across the mesh, which is related to Multiscatter GGX:
I sometimes noticed blown out pixels, which I believe is related to SSS (I’m not 100% sure yet, but the issue reminds me of a previous bug with rendering materials with SSS):
Here’s an example of SSS actually creating artefacts when Scale is set to 0:
Shadows in the latest build are looking overall a lot better with less sharp artefacts, but I can still notice a few smaller artefacts in larger shadows:
I am also of the opinion that all types of render options should have more than one setting for either viewport, rendering, or baking (where it makes sense), not just for Sampling, which would apply for both Cycles and EEVEE. For instance, the shadows in EEVEE Next are very resource heavy and slow to render in the viewport, but for a final render in EEVEE Next I would like to bump up those values to max. Right now it is either viewport performance optimisation or final render settings, which is just unnecessary work of having re-adjust the renders to do as I please.
Finally, I want to give some encouraging words. EEVEE Next is showing a lot of potential. It’s a lot more useable now than a few weeks ago. Keep it up!