Currently we are already adding some shortcuts on Mac like Cmd-F, Cmd-comma, Cmd-Z…
Moreover now simultaneously used both Ctrl-F and Cmd-F, which does not allow just swap Ctrl/Cmd.
To be able to easily swap Ctrl/Cmd we need to change some shortcut, and do not use conflicting combinations. (For example, do not use Ctrl-space, maybe Ctrl-H too.)
The default action for Cmd-M (minimize window) can be disabled, not sure about Cmd-H.
We already use Ctrl-Space/H/M/Tab/~ … all of these conflict, probably others too.
Probably best someone using macos replies, as far as I can tell a solution here needs to be general enough that we don’t need to maintain a secondary keymap for macos.
We could have a preference that makes Blender see Cmd as Ctrl, for any keys that conflict you can always use the real Ctrl.