Performance - Speed up workflow- in Blender

Since the difference between press a key/click and release a key is near zero, the time that the user can waste is near zero. For your brain is a quick action with your finger. Other thing is remove actions or complex actions like “Shift+Alt+C+Supr”.

trust, for a single click you don’t feel,
but in 8 hours multiplied by a month, you could avoid a carpal tunnel :joy:

If you see the people have carpal tunnel mainly in the right hand for a simple reason, we use hold with the mouse constantly. But it less frequent in the left hand because we only use clicks. So if we want to avoid carpal tunnel we need to use clicks to confirm instead of hold and release.

the work is well sorted on two hands. so less carpal tunnel :grin::see_no_evil:
(I’ll stop here, the flag will come soon)

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yes correct, python, c and c++

Also, if you have a beer on your left hand, you can always right click.

Can we close this thread? I don’t see any revelance with the current development. It looks more like a post for Blender.Today or many Rightclickselect posts.


I come from 3dsmax and i miss the following features

  • ability to move py scripts onto the menu (creates a custom icon)
  • customizing the ui (adding your own float menus) ( whole theme ui / icons also lack color)
  • if you have too many addons installed you will not find anything anymore. Maybe an hide/show/exclude/include or color option? (rename option to make text shorter or replace with custom icons from your harddrive).
  • i want to add certain f3 things to my favourites menu but at the moment you cannot right click.
  • edge / face constraints (so you can rotate edges easily without messing up the form)
  • edge extrude via gizmo (shift+drag)
  • auto save could need some improvements as well (feels unreliable sometimes, had a crash once and didn’t save).
  • curve point fillets
  • color seperation between 2 modifiers, i always need to double check if i am on the right modifier, since it’s hard to see where it ends and where the next one starts.
  • quick viewport render without cameras (i know theres viewport render but it’s just like a screenshot)
  • custom scale & move shortcut not working in uv editor, (it should always override if you set a custom shortcut within uv editor imo) it worked with 3dview.
  • fast dragging vertex/edge/poly (currently u have to select them first, i’d like an option where u can just drag onto another & it will automatically select+drag (move) them.
  • object vertex snap is bad for some reason. It will rotate around for no reason (u can test it with 2 cubes trying to vertex snap certain corners)
  • easy origin change next to move tool
  • settings option “force gpu render” for all files

otherwise i like blender, keep up the good work guys : )


Somewhat so. But theres a whole lot that is hardcoded in C/C++. Too much IMHO.

Like in c4d where we can search for the python script and drag it anywhere in the UI, or even in the viewport?

:smile: :smile: :smile: I love it.

This is something we are asking since forever. Even today I saw something on RCS. lol
But this needs to be feature complete, and not just for edges.

I already tried my best. lol

That’s the tweak tool.



I agree. There are more appropriate places for this. All these ideas are quiet scattered so I feel RCS would be a good fit.

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@Momotron2000 & @Bobo_The_Imp How about you two stay out of this thread?
People here are giving their feedback and thinking of ways of improving blender. If you are against it then don’t waste your precious time reading this thread. :wave:

Right click select has an environment that allows you to present one idea at a time that may be voted upon and easily sorted with a tag system for developers to see, and keeps the discussion purely about that post. This thread does not. It is very difficult to guage what is actionable within this thread as most people are just posting random, and often not correlated ideas in a long list. There is no single topic, it’s just a barrel of assorted ideas.

Everyone is absolutely free to continue this thread, but I will suggest that if you really want to have your ideas heard, separate them into their own distinct posts and create new topics here, so everyones ideas can be evaluated and discussed more efficiently. Once again, however, I feel Right Click Select is a better fit for this kind of thing.

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Sorry, I remembered it wrong.

Because this function is really awkward with this, I downloaded the source code to modify this feature.

But because I am not a professional developer, I just changed the code very rudely, only with specific shortcuts, so I didn’t submit it.

The fastest way is to press F to move the mouse.
Release F to complete the setting size. No need to click the mouse.

Press F to move the mouse, release F, complete the size setting, the whole process is less than one second.

It takes half the time and effort to click a mouse.

You can try it in the process of high frequency carving or painting.
How convenient this change will be.

Especially when using the tablet, you need to click more, which greatly affects the efficiency.

My suggestion is absolutely advanced.

It’s okay to say that Photoshop’s way of setting the size of the brush is backward.

And this change did not change the preference, just removed unnecessary operations.

Don’t use simple logic to speculate. After actually doing it, you will know how convenient it is to use this change.

Hair from Curves

similar to HairNet Addon for Blender 2.79 HairNet


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I think rigging in Blender is really terrible :cold_sweat:, it has to be put under consideration in 2.82, a newbie cannot even create a basic rig if he/she doesn’t know how to distinguish between the ‘parent’ and the ‘child’ bone, it’s really Bad and frustrating for Beginners and also professionals, that is why we have soo many bad character animation created using blender.

This is also the major reason they are not many courses and tutorials on rigging and animating characters, instead users prefare to just model or sculpt their character and their Artwork is finished. they do not ever talk about rigging them in Blender, not to mention animating because Rigging has to come before animating a character which is a Big challenge in Blender.

That is one of the major area lacking in Blender and Maya is really good at this that is why users prefer using Add-ons to simplify the rigging process or use Maya.

There is a way to filter them per workspace into Workspace tab of properties.

Can you be more explicit ?
Currently, you can rotate an edge without messing the form if it is dividing a a planar surface.
If you don’t want to modify an edge that is contributing to actual shape, how rotating it would not change the shape ? Does 3Dsmax create an invisible edge that is cut by rotated visible edge ?
Maybe using connect tool would be more satisfying in that case.

Extrude active tool has its own gizmo. That is not move tool gizmo.
But you can use a gizmo to extrude.

Crashes are not supposed to happen. Investigate, try to identify what causes the crash and post a bugreport.
Autosave is relative to a time period. 2 minutes by default. If crash happened at 1m 59 after last save, it is normal behavior to lost those 1m59.

Viewport Render can be done in Rendered display mode.
Rendered display mode is supposed to be satisfying for that.
You can disable overlays and obtain almost same result as in a render in Viewport.
There are settings for Viewport different than Render ones to simply render it faster.
But you can use same values for both.

It works for me.
In Keymap configuration, those shortcuts are under section Image > UV Editor > UV editor(Global).

When tail and head of bone are recognizable, direction of a bone chain becomes obvious.

For connected bones, using default octahedral display type is transparent about this distinction.
With another display type, enabling display of bones axis is sufficient to distinguish head and tail of a bone.
By default, relationship dashed line is visible for non connected bones.

There are selection tools to select parent or children of selection.
So, it is not complicated at all to identify a parent.
Do you have a proposal to make about a better distinction?

maybe you’d better see one of the many video tutorials on youtube …