New modifier panel and list

@HooglyBoogly Just tried the new branch with the shortcuts implemented, using them feels very smooth and fast, definitely a great addition! I’d like to ask if it would be possible to change the shortcut also for opening/closing the modifier, currently it happens with A but it’s not listed in the keymap.


Unfortunately it’s currently hardcoded. The issue is that it’s a generic feature of panels everywhere, not just modifiers panels, so it’s wrapped up in the panel UI code. In the future that could possibly become part of the keymap somewhere, but that’s sort of a different project.

EDIT: Also, the modifier shortcuts are in master now, you shouldn’t have to use a branch.

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Thanks for the info!
Yeah my bad, I meant the master.

@HooglyBoogly Something I feel might be missing yet is some very small highlight around the modifiers when hovering over them, otherwise the hotkeys effect can feel like they come out of nowhere. Something like this:

Regardless the additions to the modifier panel make it feel very professional.


Thanks. That’s interesting, good idea. I might even want something a little less prominent than that. It’s a good hint but it might feel like too much after a while if it’s too bright.

Yes I would agree with that, I was worried that in the default theme on devtalk it might be too hard to see so I emphasized it. Nathan Craddock is working on the outliner in GSoC right now, and he has synced properties from the outliner with the properties panel. I’m hoping that in the future in the outliner you could open the modifier pulldown, select a modifier and the modifier panel will close all modifiers except the selected one, much like the ctrl+click behavior now. The highlight would just be the cherry on top for that interaction! I plan to bring it up with him, but I will wait as right now he has his hands full with the colored collection design.

Agreed, that interaction would be really cool! That intersection between two projects is where it gets fun.

Although personally I think I’m a bit more interested in automatic (smooth) scrolling than collapsing all other panels. I thought it would be nice to make a function that scrolls to the panel for a particular modifier. I don’t think it would be too hard to develop as an operator. Although collapsing all the other panels would be helpful too

Automatic Scrolling would be nice as well.

Absolutely, I’m not sure if this topic is something you, Nathan or both teams would handle. Regardless, if you are interested in this function, it might be a good idea to have a small chat with Nathan to see if it would fit into his GSoC project while the iron is still hot. I have a feeling it might fit in nicely.

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Sorry to bother again, guess I got attached a lot to these layout changes, I hope this time it’s just a small papercut: the shortcut for applying is not shown in the header menu.


I actually got a bug report about that too! Resolved now anyway.


Can we have some Up/Down arrow keymap to move modifier up and down in the list without drag’n’drop?
Like “Move to First/Last” have possibility to assign key (BUT I can’t assign it…Bug?).

But still I can’t understand how current active modifier is determined? Maybe it need some highlight by clicking on the name that’s why suggestion below

And please, rename by dbl click…like other objects in outliner.

I’m new here so hello everybody.
I’d like to say that I support the new modifier design and to express my gratitude to the dev team. I know that It isn’t easy to to accept such heavy feedback from hundreds of different users, regardless if it may be warranted or not.
As someone who usually works with new users that are more art-oriented per say and really not into shortcuts as well as younger students I advocate for the return of the Apply , Apply as shape and Delete buttons. The buttons themselves wouldn’t in my opinion brake the design or contradict the single column mindset as they are just flat indicators, drop down menus while cleaner tend to be more mentally taxing on the users who are more visual in their speed modeling sessions.
Thank you anyway, sorry for the long post, keep up the great job!!!


I have a feeling that all of this heated debate will be for nothing when modifier nodes are added. We already have a great interface for branching node trees in the material editor.

That’ll depend on whether modifier nodes use a single graph, or a stack of graphs. I’m a fan of the latter, personally.

The material editor IS a stack of graphs. See multiple material slots in the Material Properties editor and top bar of the Shader Editor.

Sorry if this has been brought up… I think the modifier panels looked a bit more clean before 2.90. On 2.90 I think they lost a bit of finesse, they’re lacking proper padding on the sides, items aren’t vertically centered within the collapsed panel and they are just too thin if you ask me.

2.83 vs 2.90


But we have a lot of estate for names now, and also drag behaviour and shorcuts…

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I really love the new panels!
With the shortcuts, I don’t need to enter the particle tab just to delete it’s modifier.
The question is - why isn’t there a ‘X’ button like any normal modifier?


That’s a funny little oversight I guess. I didn’t add the delete button because there wasn’t a delete button there before and I figured there was probably a reason for that. But then I went and added the shortcut which completely nullified that anyway!

So yeah, I think adding a delete button there would be a good improvement.

I would also like to increase the panel header height just a bit for these panels, I agree that it looks a bit too cramped.

Unfortunately it’s a bit too late to be tweaking the UI for 2.90, but I’ll make sure to propose that change for 2.91.

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