New icons for Blender 2.8x

Hi @jendrzych ! Not sure if I’m the only one, but I find quite annoying the way the disabled onion skinning icon looks when it’s next to other icons.
I’m noticing this more now that it has been put in the dopesheet channels, it always seems off since it’s not centred.

I know the idea was to keep it fixed while toggling it, but could we make it like this instead?

Some more organic doodles:
new Objects_4 16

new Objects_4 32


I like the second one! The pieces of the top one look a bit spherical.


The second one is actully a slightly bigger version of the Smoke Modifier icon. Bigger and clearer.

The much requested destructive extrude operator is ready for master, but needs an icon. Anyone feel like giving the dev a hand? :wink:


I did this for the cloud/volume, this is my proposal.

We’ve been there…

Since the gist of it seems to be that it is comprised of voxels I would propose something along the lines of this, though I do have doubts about its readability at smaller scales.


Yep - compeletly unreadable at small scale. Besides it misuses the “checkboard” symbol, which is already reserved for Texture data.

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More organic and smokey version. Which one do You like the most?

new Objects_5 16

new Objects_5 32


I like the first version :Sorridi:


I would vote for the first version.


The former is more pleasing to the eye, I think, and on top of that it’s less immediately linked to ‘smoke’

bump for 3d cursor icons consistency

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It’s a simple request.

Now we have “Annotate” and “Annotate Eraser” look the same.

We can have more differences between theme.


54 posts were split to a new topic: Improved tool cursors

That’s a new feature, not an issue. The cursor is now meant to change based on the tool, not the mode.

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OH that’s bad…
I don’t like that at all…
The crosshair needs to return as the select tool. When I’m selecting vertices, a big, clunky arrow is completely useless.
At least I’m using a Mac, and have an acceptable default cursor…

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Thanks for the reminder that I can always change my system cursor !

Hi @billrey, here are my reworked icons for sculpting brushes we were discussing.
