GSoC 2021: Curve Improvements: Feedback

While it may be a niche use case, I feel like something like this could be useful when trying to create the same pattern from multiple endpoints. I think it would make more sense once it’s possible to alter handles after extruding since it won’t be just a zig-zag line :slight_smile:

I’ve been thinking about this as well, but I felt that the default shortcut of F after selecting the two points is convenient enough. Maybe this could be part of the functionality to make cyclic curves since they’re fairly similar. I’ll look into it.

that is true F is not that inconvinient i just seethis tool like “magic” multitool that can do all the stuf without you remebering commands . But I get if you feel like this is out of scope

true true it could lilte more useful

i have a selection of few points then i pres B to box select new points
after i select this new points they get added to selection insted of this being new selection .
is this a bug or expected bahiviour ?

found a bug this hande always converts to smooth handel

Thanks for the catch and the blend file. Found the issue. Will be fixed in the next build.


I found a strange bug where it is difficult to move vertices in certain direction. If I slowly move a vertex along positive X or Y axis, at some point it gets stuck and doesn’t want to move in that direction anymore. When I move the mouse more quickly, the effect is not so visible.

This doesn’t happen with the regular move tool.

Another issue is that with 4 extra options for control handles in the move tool, there are not enough modifier keys to hotkey them all. Maybe it could support combinations like Ctrl+Shift?

Hmm. That is strange. Any chance this is reproducable? A blend file would also help out a lot if possible.
I do remember finding and fixing a movement related bug but I’m not sure if this is related.

That’s a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll add it in the next build.

Sorry, just noticed that I had missed this message. Yes, I believe that’s the expected behavior of box select.

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It should be. I just made a bezier curve in a new empty scene and the bug happens every time for me. So I don’t have a specific file to share.

Hmmm. Did you make any changes to the key-bindings or does this happen with the default key-bindings?

I’ve reset all the keymap settings to default but the issue is still there.

I see. I’ll create the new build in several hours. Let me know if the issue is still there when you get a chance to try it out.

The new build should now be available at Blender Builds - This should include the fixes for the bugs reported above (except for the last one reported by @slowburn).

Now it is also possible to assign different combinations of keys (namely Ctrl-Shift, Ctrl-Alt, Shift-Alt) to the extra functionalities.

Handles of multiple new points can now be controlled after creation.

I’ve been trying to support snapping but it seems to be taking a long time, so I thought I might create a build in the mean time, in hopes that it would speed up the bug catching process.

I don’t know what you changed, but the movement bug is gone now. : )

But now it’s impossible to change vertex type with the V menu. Also if handle type is vector or free then they can’t be scaled or rotated with R/S shortcuts if you select the parent vertex. If you select the handle itself, then it works.

Great! :slight_smile:

Right. Turns out the cause for both the bugs is that when we select a point, it only selects the point at the center and not the handles. I noticed it only after making the build so I thought I’d fix it in the next build. Which it will be :slight_smile:


testet last build all bugs seems to be fixed … GOOD JOB

ah found anothere small bug

maybe it would be good ida to work iterativly and make snaping as a new MR (not sure if this is good ida in blender thats what we do in inkscape to prevent roting of MRs)

Ah, thanks. I’ll look into it.

Yeah, you may be right. Trying to include it now may push the release date further back.

Hi! I noticed the fillet node produces infinite curves in one dimension if one of the dimensions of the input curve is scaled to 0. Probably not a problem in practice and maybe it’s expected behaviour wanted to point it out just in case