GSoC 2021: Curve Improvements: Feedback

Oh, I see. That might be useful to have, but at this point I’m a bit concerned whether the tool would be too bloated. The more functionalities there are, the higher chance it would have of lagging. But, I’ll see if I can fit this in.

That’s great to hear :slight_smile:

Thanks. Will look into it.

Hmmm. That definitely shouldn’t happen. Seems like a bug. Would it be possible to send a .blend file where this happens? I’m not able to reproduce it, unfortunately.

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As @adambelis mentioned, it should be enabled by default now. It can be activated by clicking the start and end points consecutively. Let me know if this isn’t the case.

Unfortunately, I don’t think this is possible within Blender, yet. Same case as context-sensitive cursor icons and line previews.

Maybe I could give an option to choose how it works, but as I mentioned in the previous post, I’m a bit concerned about adding too many functionalities. But I’ll try to fit this one in too.

did not seen any performance penalities but did not street test it but fair enough . as I said this is greedenes of features :smiley:

here is the file

Thanks for the quick response. I’ll look into it.

ah found two more bugs .related to selecting multiple paths and then clicking creates unexpected results (i would expet to deselect and creting single point)
diffrent bugs for open and close paths :smiley:

Ah I’ll look into it. Thanks

The reported bugs should now be fixed in the latest build at Blender Builds - Please let me know if that’s not the case.

Furthermore, I’ve separated the “Extra Functionalities” (as I called them previously) into their own options. This allows the user to enable more than one functionality at a time. To this I’ve also added two functionalities as per requests:

  • Move Entire: Move the entire control point using a single handle.
  • Link Handles: Mirror the movement of one handle onto the other.

Shift/Ctrl/Alt can be assigned to these functionalities.
Edit: The default for Move Entire is set to Alt by default while the Link Handles option is disabled by default.

I’d really appreciate any feedback on the above changes.

Also, a small note. My response times during the weekdays would be comparatively slower due to other work, so please excuse any delays.


Thanks for the responses! I tried closing the curves in the last build, it works nicely.

I understand, and it already seems like it’s trying to do a lot. So far I’ve found:

  1. Creating Points + Drawing Tangents
  2. Editing Points and Tangents
  3. Editing Segments
  4. Adding Points to Segments
  5. Selecting Points and Tangents
  6. Creating Additional Paths

It’s not easy to fit all of the above without becoming counter-productive, but in general I think the tool works well.

One of the most confusing areas for me is the select/deselect with modifiers + right click. It seems like a legacy workflow, but I can see that this is consistent in other areas. It’s fit for for an alternative selection method rather than a primary one.

That being said, I understand having multiple selection methods would be overkill. I thought I’d bring it up anyway.

I still find odd that deselecting a point keeps its tangents selected. I’d vote for deselecting all of the point’s elements when deselecting a point.

Multiple Selected Paths
The behaviour with 2 selected paths is interesting, it creates points for both but doesn’t currently control their tangents. It would be nice if it could do that, but I’d think that’s a nice-to-have rather than must-have.

Surface Drawing
I’m trying to figure out is if we can draw on surfaces but haven’t found a way to do it. Snap doesn’t seem to be supported, while Doodle tool has a separate “Placement” mode for it.
Is there any way to do this? Seems important for a 3D pen tool.

last build introduced new bug yellow handes do not update properly

Sorry I didn’t quite understand what you meant. Do you mean that the user should be able to select with right-click (+ any other modifier keys)?

Does it not deselect the entire point when the middle dot is clicked? It seems to be working on my build. A blend file would be really helpful for debugging if the functionality doesn’t work.

Yeah, I guess that would make more sense. I’ll try to add it to the next build. Thanks for the idea.

I looked into snapping sometime back but didn’t find a straightforward way to use the already implemented code. Felt that it wouldn’t be a good idea to write it from scratch when it exists already. I’ll look into it again but I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

As useful as this may be, I don’t think it would be possible as it is now. This is because the curve pen is a regular tool that works in Edit Mode and while in edit mode, it can only access the data of that specific curve. So I wouldn’t be able to read the data of any mesh (as far as I know). I think it’s possible in Grease Pencil because it operates on its own mode (Draw Mode) where I guess it can access the other meshes.

Ah, I forgot to recalculate the handles. Will be fixed in the new build. Thanks.

offtopic but actually curve pen could be also useful tool for agrees pencil mode

hmm maybe i am dumb but cannot seems to get any of this two work :confused:

press shift or alt or ctrl while left mouse dragging… (after LMB click and before LMB release)

No espicific to pen tool, but blender problem… align handle works in one direction only… if I select right handle and call ‘set handle type → aligned’ it works nice aligning right handle to left handle, BUT if I select left handle and call ‘set handle type → aligned’ it don’t works, left handle don’t aligning to right handle.
your “shift drag - free/aligned toggle” solution work really nice, aligning opposite side handle, but works in pen tool mode only… if you can fix blender handle aligned operator.

I hope you understand.

ah ok ALT works (moves point) BUT just after I select handel not while creating new point . that does not sound totally correct. Imho it should work mostly while creating new point its not as useful for a handle (but still useful ) main idea is that you can fix your mistaken vertex position without need for selecting it (18)

can comfirm that this is now fixed good job

this is strictly not a bug (i think ) but i am not sure if this is that useful feature to have.(i realy dont know :smiley: would be good to think about this)

feature request (as usal feel free to ignore :D)
it would be nice to have ability to connect two open paths just by cliking.(currently possible with command make segment)

Thanks @wilBr . My bad for forgetting to specify the shortcuts. I’ve edited the previous post just in case someone else sees it.

Regarding the handle issue, thanks for clarifying the problem. I believe that is the expected behavior. I’m guessing that since having one handle as free while the other as align is conflicting, it is probably overriding the handles default behavior by that of the right handle. To make sure the point converts to the type you require, you would have to click the center of point before clicking V. I should note that having combinations like free and vector should work as expected since they don’t conflict with each other. I might be wrong but seems like any other combination would cause a conflict.

Ah right. I’ve forgotten to trigger it after creating new points. I’ll fix it in the next build. Thanks.

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