The outliner in my opinion should be a place to easily manage large scenes. There are things that irritate me…
Context menu:
- Multiple objects selected - clicking new collection should ad those objects to collection…
- Deleting parent - should also by default delete children, and not throw them in the main collection… A secondary option could be to “dissolve” the parent leaving children. Should apply both to collections and parented objects.
- There should be a possibility to copy/paste modifiers/materials/etc from context menu in the outlier.
- Materials/modifiers/vertex groups/etc should be managed from the outlier - enable/disable/show/hide/rearrange.
- Linking objects between scenes could be more straightforward…
Drag and drop:
- It should be possible to drag and drop materials/modifiers/etc between objects; with modifier keys copy/linking
- The visual representation of drag and drop action is poor. It should be more obvious were the dropped object will go or if the if the action will succeed at all
Probably out of the scope:
- We really need better grouping options.
- Syncing with the modifier stack to display only the selected modifiers in the stack.
Is there an api to add options to the context menu from python?