Global topbar conflicts with multiple editors layout

I do like blender ofc, that’s why I’m here.

I don’t like those panels because imo they are redundant, they have no reason to exist, they just increase the clutter and confusion. We have the properties editor, and that name tells everything “properties”. So I expect to find the properties of things in that editor, and you know what, that’s not totally true, because for no reason the settings and properties of things are also spread in those panels. This makes no sense. Blender will never be an intuitive app while things are unorganized this way.

Some people love it because they are used to it, but this is a nightmare, you never know where the properties/settings of something will show up.

I won’t even talk about the redo panel.

Any program use a different panel for properties of object/world/render and tools… You must to have a really hard live if to see a panel make your live so hard.

Weird, when I first learned blender, I didnt had any trouble to understand what T and N panel do.

It was like that.

me - Lets open this program everyone talks about…
me - Oh its all gray! not ugly though, Lets see what It can do.
me - W-WTF is that red thing, I cant do anything… Better watch a few tuts.
In the Tutorial…
Tut Guy - You select with right mouse
Tut Guy - The Tools are right there you press T to hide and display it.
me - Well useful
Tut Guy - but you don’t use it… its there just so you can hover the mouse and see the shortcut
me - WTF
Tut Guy - Oh, and if you press N you see this panel
Tut Guy - here you can change the settings for your object and edit the properties of it.
me - Okay

After that tutorial, I never had any trouble with blender.

Some things you can only see if you are coming from other 3d apps. If blender is your first experience with 3d apps you’ll not be able to see those flaws.

The only way I could accept the N panel is if it were more like a shortcut panel. I mean, all the settings and properties found in this panel should also be available in the properties editor. It should never, ever have exclusive settings and properties that you can’t find elsewhere.

Nope, my first experience with 3D was Autocad, I personally love the search command feature.

It just makes sense to have settings that only apply to a specific viewport in that viewport.

I used modo, max, maya, houdini, zbrush,… before blender, and I never see any problem with N panel. And I never see any partner with taht problem, in reality the only people that tell bad things about t-shelf and N-shelf stay in this forum and I can count with the fingers of one hand.

I teached blender to dozens of people, no one tell me nothing about that panels. Never, nobody have any problem to understand the panels.

I get it. You guys are deeply used to it. No point arguing.

Enjoy the N panel. :+1:

Was this post perhaps directed at me rather than @ThinkingPolygons ? Either ways I approve of the mock-up.

Though I was thinking that render settings probably belong either in the image editor properties or camera settings. Render resolution is certainly a camera sensor setting, surely.

How you do if you are switching cameras while rendering a animation?

Inheritance? The sensor settings could be instanced globally for all of them, with the possibly interesting option of overriding per camera/marker/take.

Think of this as the blender version of the one-electron universe theory.

Sounds a bit odd, if the setting is global, why show it as if it was inside the camera object?
I guess you could animate the render resolution if you really want to output different resolutions.

Okay, so, I guess I will gather data from this thread to make a proposal on, hopefully it will be fine to everyone.

Someone would like to contribute with thoughts?

Some properties are global of the project or objects, and the properties editor is a good site to put in.

Unreal have the same approach, an editor for global properties, other for world properties, other for object properties and in the left of the UI, the tool settings.

I don’t like it, that is clutter on the viewport for me.

I’ll repeat myself saying that Blender is quite different from many other software because it has many different editors and workflows. UI solutions from other packages might not fit well.

But there could be a half-way solution if we can choose to go fullscreen with more than one workarea. A sort of solo-mode for windows as Numpad / is for objects.

meanwhile I made the ususal quick mockup to better illustrate the idea:

Notice the checkmarks near to each area selectors: in the example, 3d view and properties are enabled, so when I Ctrl-Space to go fullscreen…

What would be needed is an algorythm that doesn’t get confused and chooses how to rearrange the areas

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There’s nothing to like or dislike. This is an optional feature, like in most softwares.

If it were the only thing that was implemented to attempt to solve the issues with the top bar, it wouldn’t be very optional, would it?

This is like “Scientists say that bumblebees are to heavy to fly, but bumblebees don’t know science, so they fly anyway”

Even so… Floating windows are way more powerful and flexible than any topbar could ever be.

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personally i would love to see drag and drop added not only for the workspaces and editors but also when u want a floating window to tear it off or dock it even top bar.i know you can do it manually but it’s not intuitive and i think this will make everyone happy.