Filmic as default is hurting the experience for people

already is included there. In fact, so is Filmic. In AgX as it currently stands, Filmic only appears in the Color Conversion nodes, not in the Color Management panel

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Oh cool. I’ll download the latest build then. I’m on 3.4.0 alpha, but it must have been added recently as it’s not there for me:

Oh you need to download the AgX OCIO config, not the latest Blender version. AgX is not yet in Blender by default.

Btw @Eary why is the process space for Greyscale BT.2020 I-D65 rather than BT.2020 I-E?

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I am using the 2012 luminance of BT.2020 Troy posted, what he posted was I-D65 so I figured I would just do that. Doesn’t make that much of a difference anyways.

ah I see. I think I know how to do the I-E version of that, but don’t have time for that right now. Can provide them soon

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For those who are trying to test AgX, make sure you do it properly (by moving both OCIO config AND LUTs to blender color management folder, I used to only copy the OCIO file and I would end up with some funky results, also keep the old color management files somewhere in case you want to revert back to default).

you don’t have to delete. In fact, I think you should keep the Filmic folder if you want Filmic to be available in Convert Colorspace nodes (it will not be accessible in the Colormanagement menu)
and you can easily back up the other two if you think you might want to switch back and forth occasionally, and you don’t want to figure out how to combine configs. - Simply chuck “luts” and config.ocio into a new folder or something.

This is an interesting idea. I just tried implementing a slightly more sophisticated version of that with AgX.

The results are not great. But maybe something like this could work in principle, with some more thought.

This is the color sweep, assumed to be in Rec.709 I-D65. This isn’t the latest version of AgX though.
Rather than relying on Blender’s Hue node, I “corrected” that hue in the moment plane, which is more relevant to perception.

Display Native:

AgX (with flourish):

AgX “Hue Corrected”

For some reason, correcting the hue in this way kinda breaks blue and, to a lesser extent, red, so it won’t be directly applicable in this way. But I don’t think this is necessarily a dead end.

Also, if you for some reason don’t want the filmic whiteout, I guess this is as far as you can possibly get away from the Notorious Six that way

It’s now the notorious 12ish instead. They actually are all distinct even at EV15, but for most of them you can’t really tell

Just to prove that, at least for now, this approach isn’t working, here some test imagery:

And the Line of Purple

with regular AgX

“moment-Hue corrected”

Matas actually looks almost ok imo (though quite different from normal), but its noise floor is raised extremely and there is definitely some clipping.

xmas Red also exhibits a lot of clipping

Blackbody is interesting because in some ways this actually is “better” - the hues are really nicely preserved for quite a bit longer. But the luminosities are off, and the purple end of the spectrum is definitely just broken.

I wonder how much of that is “pure AgX” and how much might actually just be the saturation compression stages that now potentially don’t quite act right as the colors in question are overwritten by different hues

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If you place the hue correction after converting back to linear you get a nicer result. And the desaturation can be adjusted by the user adjusting the multiply between the rgb to bw and the saturation.

You can pump the levels up crazy high and still retain the correct hue:

Or alternatively use lightness for the desaturation if you don’t want it to be desaturated based on perceived brightness:

Lightness (not as good)


Reminder, the research about Lightness and Brighness is still on going and all models available in Blender compositor that claim to achieve “perceieved brightness” don’t actually work.

Hmm how do you quote a video on this forum?


Here is the actual version 12:

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Past it’s link outside the quote without brackets like this ?

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Thank youuu for letting know about the new version. Nice to is its BT.709 again.

Can you tell us about your background a bit when it comes to coloring and lighting?

It seems like you are revising troy’s AGX, however, without going into the technical details here,
It comes to an issue of trust for those who lack in technical knowledge, I want to try your revision but how do we know that the product itself is sound and not full of issues?

With troy, we have learned to trust him as he “Crawled” his way into blender’s core with the developers using SOME segments of filmic version he made, Let alone his posts show that he is somewhat knowledgeable in his crafts and field.

Troy and Eary have been working on this together for ages. It’s a long thread, but this should be plenty to show you Eary understands what’s going on

And Troy periodically offers feedback as well. Aspects of this version of AgX have been tweaked time and time again based on what he had to say.


Thank you, Will look into it.

Ok I tell you how to solve the issue.

I am sort of a “beginner” myself on topics pertaining to 3D… I started using blender almost 2 years ago, and so I am not a total beginner, but I focused more on characters and games and creating assets… only recently I started to care about color grading because I discovered for a chance that there are those settings like filmic, standard and so on… I talked with some people and they told me to enable filmic, out of the box I was seeing those ugly results, colors all looking ugly, everything looks ugly and I was feeling cheated and even I was suspecting that people purposefully misled me to ruin my mood and my renders…

Point is that, blender is used by many people, some are photographers and they bring with themselves all those biases that they get while using “realistmisting” softwares like photoshop where they do a big deal about “realism”… and they think that everything has to be looking muh realismistic for reasons I never cared to investigate, and these people obviously tell you how they solve their problems… which is fair… if you have a hammer everything looks like a nail…

Now I come to the solution… Unfortunately I had to cope with filmic for a while because I wanted to see “whats the deal”, but that was a positive experience because I also got into compositor and you can always cheat your way to success adding some color grading…

I installed AGX instead of filmic, that straight out of the box is even uglier but also more “realistic” than filmic… basically you can enable “punchy” and also increase power to add even more contrast, which results in some sort of setting that could work very well for anime and stylized non realistic renders.

Please dont be angry at the realism bullies, they simply hold a hammer and they squash everything because they think its a nail… sort of like we do. Not everyone is into realism, but its really an issue of having a hammer and thinking everything is a nail… there are solutions out there… you can always enable standard and never use filmic if you really don tlike it…

It’s not really about “realism”, but smoother chromatic attenuation. Think of seeing a laser beam in real life, and an artistic representation of it on canvas, it’s never about “realism”.

I also want to mention my version of AgX now comes with the Guard Rail view transform that replaced the “Standard”, you can try it out if you are interested.


Don’t know if someone post this before