Can you give me an example of technical detail? I believe all of my and Troy’s explainations are artistic enough, things like how the “washed out problem” is an illustion, the truth is that the more “popping” feeling one is actually the one loosing details:
Does this already count as technical details for you?
But again, it’s important to know relevant stuff to actually have a meaningful conversation. When some folks said Filmic is loosing details, ok are you talking about the issue like on the left side of my above image? Or are you calling the right side “losing detail”?
Again, vanila Filmic was a Log, the current Filmic in Blender = original Filmic Log + Base Contrast. So the contrast looks are part of Filmic, it’s weird to say that we are criticizing the looks without Filmic. It’s especially the case since we are talking about “washed out” and things, original Filmic was a Log, so what are we talking about?