Embarrassing quotes in official Blender tutorial videos

Something being unpopular doesn’t make it worse, just saying. Over the 10 years using Blender I’ve found MANY people who prefer RMB select because they had problems in their hands, and it helped. You can say that it involves many things, like height of the chair, size of the mouse… well, the same person, with the same equipment, using RMB select felt better. I’m not sure but it sounds as evidence that there are some benefits to it, even if most people don’t have problems (even though they may have long term) with LMB select.

Anyway, as it has been said before, this is the wrong thing to focus on. If the software provides value, people would switch to RMB select in a few days, although it’s good that they’re not forced to with the latest version :slight_smile:

RMB select was only one of the many reasons (some of them misconceptions) about why Blender was “unpopular”. In my experience, the bigger reason was “it’s free, so it can’t be as good as X which costs lots of money”. Fortunately, perception about this fact is changing :slight_smile: You may not like the comment in the video, but it’s not embarrasing; it’s actually the reason why RMB select was designed that way, even if there is no actual scientific studies to prove it (but many people who can say that it’s helped them, which is a good enough reason to do it, IMO).

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Somehow everyone got a point here in this discussion. So, adding my 2 cent. When I started Blender 10 years ago I hated the right-click select and really had a hard time getting into it, as well as my students that I taught later years on.

Nevertheless, when launching 2.8 now on a new pc I always switch back to right-select. The left-click default is good for new users, but I probably guess Blender will be always my right-click friend.

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It’s very strange, using 3D applications for 20 years …
I had never noticed this type of complaint until a few years ago, whether to use the right click or the left click … I remember that when I did the tutorials of the various applications I used, I never complained, whatever the method, I accepted it, and once I learned how to “drive the new car” I was just delighted to drive it …
In the early 2000s there were many 3D software and the difference between them was more pronounced …
So I wonder what happened recently, why does everyone want everything to be the same and standardized?
Why all this fanaticism and flamewar?
And why all this laziness?
Did you know that having all things equal atrophies your brain?
Do you know that if the brain’s network paths do not develop in more different ways, the level of stupidity increases?

Using that effort to overcome laziness makes you happier.
Just like getting into the habit of running often, it makes the body healthier and therefore happier.
The effort of willfully drives away the negativity.
And by continuing your complaints, despite having achieved what you wanted, you should think it over. Before it is too late, perhaps it would be better if you started to change your mind. Otherwise when you are old and decrepit you will have accumulated so much negativity and you will see everything so obscure that you will only want to die soon.


To the creator of the post, and I know it on the basis that it is publicly visible on profiles infos.

And when I see people that are like criticizing the foundation work for total b$ reason and/or show very high expectations about their requests while not even being a basic monthly contributor, it pissed me off how ungrateful behaviors those are.

What I really like here is that everybody is arguing with the intention to help Blender growing more. Welcoming new users in a reasonably understandable way is an important goal. As this discussion is a bit out of control, I’d like to add a hopefully helpful personal impression.

We obviously agree that this video might bring the information about the availability of right-click select to new people. And we also (have to) agree (as of given evidence) that there are people for whom this option is subjectively more ergonomic. So the video serves a goal. The remaining question here is how much damage it does in the means of presenting Blenders input mapping in a problematic way, namely as overly complicated and fixed. For the latter, it obviously presents flexibility by spending some seconds on that option. For the former, it presents the ‘industry standard’ as a default.

With these ‘obvious’ statements out of the way: I personally have the feeling that the discussion really is about these points:
a) Some people would like to hide other peoples opinions and feelings about RCS from newbies because they think these would only be of historical origin.
b) Some people do not feel comfortable with jokes in official videos because they are percieved as not professional.

For a) I understand why this feeling exists and I also understand that most people do not want to get used to a new UI design. The point where I disagree is that Blender is such a large software that I do not expect everyone to have imagined any use case of Blender before they decided it would not be reasonable to percieve RCS as ergonomic. And if there are people that use Blender in such a way, it is really not the style of this community to hide them under the carpet (just as nobody tries to hide people arguing for using LCS).
For b) that is pretty personal, there are business training videos with a way higher amount of jokes. I personally really like the style the Blender videos have. Even scientific talks include jokes from time to time.

Btw. I would suggest everyone to keep emotions as less involved as possible. Spicy enough: Blender is currently large enough that there are for shure financial interests of other parties in presenting their application to be more beginner-friendly. An emotional discussion to this topic definitely is more impactful than the joke in the video. Having a highly frequented, active post with a title like “Embarassing quotes in official Blender tutorial videos” is also for shure really in those interests. By that I do not want to accuse anybody here of trying to sabotage this (btw. pretty great) community, but to hint that you might act in someone’s favor you might not want to act in.


@anon13094437 - good point and well made with some rightful indignation, however, please consider:

  1. My profile here shows that I do not contribute money to the cause, but this does not mean I do not contribute in other ways. For example, I have given, quite freely and happily, an average of around 10 hours per week for the last five years, of my time to helping with support on BlenderArtists and development work, mainly for Animation Nodes, which I also provide free of charge on my GitHub. These two things are probably worth more than €5.00 per month to the cause.

  2. I keep all my donations out of the public domain, including all the time and money I give to charity in the UK, this is my choice as I don’t do it to gain public recognition.

@2xB - Welcome to this community! A very considered and objective post Sir! I am probably an odd-ball with Blender, given I do all my Blender work without a mouse at all, preferring my MacBook Pro’s track-pad and at times, a Wacom tablet. That’s the beauty of Blender; you can use it however you like and nobody should criticise anyone for the way they use it, neither LCS, nor RCS is wrong, it’s a case of “whatever works for you”.

Cheers, Clock.

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People like to talk and participate, and in the end even if sometimes the discussions get hot, we all stay here for this reason … in the end we like to talk about Blender.
blenderartist and devtalk forums are one of the beating hearts of this expansion.
In the end the MainDevs, regardless of what we say users, are the ones to make the final decisions about the path that blender must take. :slightly_smiling_face:



Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILqOWe3zAbk&lc=UgwHr6s6mggRDfv486Z4AaABAg.8xHn5weCb9W8xo78_aUGG3

It was Rawvalanche that I was criticizing ungratefulness, not you :slight_smile:

No problem - take care and I hope we get this resolved! :grin: