Edit mesh face dots (poll)

Well, a very nice movement in the latest build - make all wires step thinner!
It is looking nice, especially with no antialiasing!

It looks just like my proposal from 2014, thank you^^

But there is an issue - vertex mode is not for “viewing vertices”, but for editing edges/topology by corner nodes called vertices, so it will be much better, if vertex mode will have edge mode’s wire thickness (to become thicker) instead of face mode’s.

Currently vertex mode is looking more like field of vertices, or even pointcloud, it is hard to view topological connections between them on a dense meshes.


Not only that. The edges are also very hard to see in faces mode when using different materials.

I hope they fix it, or expose the “edge dimming” setting in the theme, so we can adjust it or turn it off completely. I would pretty much just turn this off.

EDIT: It seems like they just made some changes regarding this issue https://developer.blender.org/rB6c83c928620ec06301b46f57a1bbb9b694933519

I hope it looks better now.


It’s a good movement, but I don’t understand why the wide edges are not disable when user want to use facedots like days before.


this is all polishing work,
as defects emerge, they must be corrected …

Maybe because other 3D software doesnot have it.

Don’t know how good reason is that, I has come from 3dsmax in 2012,
after 10 years of using it, and it did not cause discomfort.
After a few projects I realized how profound facedots actually are for face editing.

No, those are mistakes that need to be fixed, and luckily some of them are being fixed.
So, never stop giving feedback. :wink:


Some simple examples to show fhy face dots are essential.
There is no problem to make a dinosaur - every 3D software allows that.
But there is no more software, that allows to fix Sketchup’s model topology as Blender.

Messy Ngons:

Zero Area faces:

And even both:

Facedots allow to “see” topology structure, no matter how confused it can be.
It is just like medical Xray for topology.

Probably, the problem is that developers are working mostly with sandbox artists, that are making everything from scratch, so they can’t really say how world is dangerous, because they didn’t faced all that mess, what technical artists facing daily.

We are, actually, living there.


Agreeeeeeee completelly. New visualitaion modes are really good, as long as we do not have to sacrifice all the good things that we already have. You have place the finger on it: I have had same issue as you, when importing from Sketchup, Blender was a really helping tool to clean a lot of dissasters. I am sculpting and now in 2.80 can not work confortably, unbelievable!! it was supposed to be upgraded to be better at this tasks!! and it is the opposite. My strugle now is that there several improvements that really worth to make me work in 2.80 but there are a lot drabacks that by now don let me do that. All the old files need to be updated because the units are in a different way. I was using the “trick” of working with 0.001 units and then export directly to the slicer software and print. Now it a pain in the neck!! And there are other things like the “C” selection: for gods sake we still can not orbit while selecting!! what the hell have been this people working in? EVEE, only?? (just kidding). I do not know if you have the same problem: when working in edit mode if I have actived dots on faces when I change form perspective to orthographic I can see all the dots in all faces, fron and back faces, and it is a really good mess hehehe, impossible to work that way in a sculpture with millions of faces. Any clue to solve this? Will be an update or fix or something? Thanks and cheers!