Discussions for "Better snapping and precision modeling"

“Let me introduce myself” (c)

I am a workflow designer in architectural company, who tries to make Blender compatible with CADwork workflow types (engineering, manufacturing, architecture).
You may be familiar with our research and proposals in this area, such as 1D_Scripts, CAD snap or even B.A.S.E proposal.

Default Basepoint CAD snapping is a subject we was pushing for a decade, and it is already almost finished.

Yes, this is how magic of marketing actually works - this way people use more popular software rater than more suitable. In practice, we are forced to use 2.79 for architectural work because its design better fits that goal, especially for complex projects.

Indeed, it is hard to propose cad features.
We think it is because there are almost no people in Blender development familiar with CADwork, such as engineers, who can can easily afford CADwork development.
Some potential features was rescently corrupted during redesign (selection, shading, outline, interface) to enhance ARTwork compatible workflows, so we are trying to fix that to make Blender compatible with CADwork again, instead of designing CAD features and architectural workflows (common groups, CAD tools, proxy systems, Linked data management, etc).
In short, Blender was pushed to the market so hard, that it worked, but alongside with powerful features it was corrupted during redesign.

So now you Blender is nice ARTwork tool, but have to buy lot of third party stuff in order to make Blender compatible with CADwork.