Discussions for "Better snapping and precision modeling"

OK, I feel like I should ā€œshake the hornetā€™s nestā€ a little. Whilst I agree with all the comments and proposals to improve snapping, by this I presume we all mean that the chosen vertex, or object, or vertices will go somewhere useful when we start moving, or extruding things, I am also of the opinion that we need to be able to place the cursor at useful locations prior to a process being initiated.

From my experience, it can be far more productive to place the cursor exactly where you want it then do something, rather than always rely on all the snapping tools to move things during a process, or create something then move /rotate it where you want it. I would like to be able to tell Blender where I want the cursor, by keying absolute, delta, or directional information through a simple system of cursor placement. I do not want to have to key values, tab between X, Y & Z and input sine, cosine and tangent functions to imitate directional vectors, having previously clicked = to get advanced input mode - such an awkward system when keying I2.3,27 could mean 2.3 units at 27 degrees in view plane, or D1,5,3 could mean delta 1 in X, 5 in Y and 3 in Z from existing location & A1.2,5,2.5 could mean absolute, or global coordinates. I could use these key-ins to move the cursor, move objects/vertices, or extrude geometry, etc.

The ability to ā€œsnapā€ or cursor locate to the midpoint along an edge is nice, but why not use a fraction, or percentage instead and why not be able to use two unconnected vertices rather than just an edge? After all midpoint is a very limited example of the more universal percentage and 50% is still the midpoint, even in these days of poor mathematical attainment by school childrenā€¦ (I qualify this remark by asking how many understand calculus by the age of 15?, how many know how to calculate pi by age of 13? etc. etc.). then there are intersections, including normal (perpendicular if you prefer) and planar intersections of converging lines, either physical from edges, or implied from vertices.

Also, we need to be inclusive of all genres of CAD users, including Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Architects, Civil Engineers, etc. etc. I notice that a lot of work issuing done and targeted at specific genres, whereas its would have better appeal if all this ā€œCADā€ stuff was targeted across the board. To this end we also need ā€œParts Librariesā€ designed similar to Pose Libraries, but with geometry in them, like standard electronic parts for circuit board designers, as a simple example.

We also need to ā€œpoolā€ our ideas into a single source to avoid duplication of effortā€¦

Letā€™s see how many hornets get p***ed off with the nest shaking. The broader the appeal of this work, the more likely it is to get into Blender, unless the Devs disagreeā€¦

Cheers, Clock. :grin:


for this reason I proposed the creation of generic API sets so the addonā€™s developers can have fun with customizations in this sense ā€¦

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speaking of visual helpers - dimensions tool, hereā€™s how other software behave ā€¦


17 posts were split to a new topic: Holes for mesh surfaces

on review: Snapping and Constraints: Snapping on the intersection geometry with the axis constraint.


1. Snap edge element to constraint plane:
The snap is made at the intersection between the edge direction and the constraint plane.

2. Snap face element to constraint plane:
The snap is made to the nearest point between the view ray and the line that intersects the face plane with the constraint plane.

3. Snap constraint axis to edge element:
The snap is made to the nearest point on the element line to the ray of the axis.

4. Snap constraint axis to face element:
The snap is made at the intersection of the axis line and the face plane.

To avoid unpredictable jumps outside view boundaries, an alignment check is made for each of these snapping combinations.


Please see this and comment if you have any thoughts:

Cheers, Clock. :cocktail:

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Just thought I would post this here, drawn accurately of course, using my PDT Add-on:

No guess work, no tracing a reference image, no zooming right in to get intersections, no ā€œfudgingā€, draught angles are exactly 5 degrees.

With a few more tools in vanilla Blender we could all do this.

Cheers, Clock. :cocktail:


Retopology workflow requires simple face snapping.
It is very important to provide ability of such simple snapping mode.

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Currently Pablo Dobarroā€™s Poli Build improvement + F2 addon + new snapping tools, life starts to simplify ā€¦ besides Jeroen Bakker, is working on a new prototype retopology overlay, from what I understood to improve the visibility of the mesh faces topology
Prototype Retopology Overlay Drawing Techniques

I hope this will all play well together


We now have that in PDT, taken from TinyCAD and adapted a little, along with Filleting, Edge Bisecting and Intersect All commands. These are not in the current release, but will be in the next one. I am keeping an eye on snapping developments as these will obviate some of the PDT Tools, that can then be dropped in favour of the vanilla Blender options.

Cheers, Clock.


Hi Clockmender,
for the next one release, do you mean 2.82 or 2.83?

New features will be in our next release 1.1.5 scheduled for this month. We hope to have PDT in Blender 2.82 if we gain acceptance.

Cheers, Clock


Hi. I think this is related to snapping as well. Right now, you canā€™t do some snaping when using vertex (or edge) slide.

We need vertex/edge/face constraints to be toggled as a modal, just like the recent modify origin addition for which Iā€™m very thankful for. Sometimes it feels like we only ask and never thank, so I wanted to highlight that as well.

This gif is from 2.79 but still applies to 2.80 all the way to the daily builds.


you have to make a video-tutorial to show how you do this and what is the advantage of using the tool. also i posted in my post that i had a problem installing it on a pc, and solved it by renaming the folder and putting the*.py files into itā€¦

@taxishop Looking at your screenshots on the other thread, I think you downloaded the repository, not the release which is found here:

That is the file you should download, install and enable, not the repository, as you seem to have the system files as well, like the license, issue forms, etc.

Help for the system is in my website (clockmender.uk) you can see the help pages on the right side menu. Video tutorials are on the list, but not yet as we have a lot more work to do on the add-on first and I am not good at video tutorials!

Cheers, Clock.

I wouldnā€™t want to go as far as Cedric did for the weld modifier but in this blender artist thread and in this particular post, another case for modal constraints as a toggle is shown.

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I noticed you canā€™t reset the rotation of the pivot with the world with Alt R, it resets the object rotation instead. Also chaging values in the N panel moves the object instead of the pivot as well.
This is posible with bone studioā€™s BS Pivot however, it has a button to reset the rotation, and when entering the edit pivot mode it works as well.

Yes. The transform object origin feature is incomplete at the moment.


I came accross this problem few timesā€¦ I just want to scale a plane on X axis so the vertex snap to the grid, how I can do this ? (I checked the ā€œabsoluteā€ property and ā€œaffect the scaleā€ also):