Cycles/EEVEE Improvements - Weekly Reports

Ok. That’s good enough. You can stop now.


Omar, thank you for these detailed breakdowns of whats been added. It’s fantastic to have the pictures as visuals for what your talking about! As always, thank you for your work. It’s turning out so well I feels like a dream.


Don’t listen to him!

More! More! :grin:


wow, can’t wait to see users experimenting with new interactive demos

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The new nodes look great. I would very much appreciate included node setup presets for non-math people like me.

Please use this thread for feedback:


Is there a way to drive Voronoi cell size via additional float texture? Or is it already possible?

That would be awesome for procedural foliage!)


plz include all of this in blender 2.8 documentaton.

No, unfortunately, this currently not possible.

I am not sure if we will have that, but I can promise you a very detailed user-end documentation with lots of examples. :slight_smile:


I really, really hope this url is placed on the user manual for procedural textures.


OMG We need this in master ASAP.
Almost every one of these are features I’ve been wanting for a while now, and some others that I didn’t even know I wanted, but now I do.


I like the “smoothness” in voronoi, therefore, I think there is an UX problem.
Users will be adding this node mainly for their blur capabilities, so why not renaming to a “blur node” instead?

Correct me if I’m wrong. Cheers

Its not decoupled. You cant use only the blur capability since its a generative node.

I agree though, a blur node would be absolutely amazing.
In the meantime we can use this workaround:


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Excellent stuff.

Some of these will ease the need for complex setups. A lot of it is possible for the first time out of the box.


Noise Texture

1D, 2D, and 4D versions of perlin noise were added.


1D noise can be used as a general noise function when only a single axis is varying:

This axis can be time, in which case, the noise act as a 1D wiggle:

More specifically, it can be used, for instance, to create a brushed metal texture:


2D perlin is almost two times faster than 3D perlin, so in cases where 3D perlin may not be needed, like terrain generation, using 2D perlin should noticeably speed up your scene.

Additionally, 2D perlin can be used to animate 1D perlin:

Or to make 1D perlin C¹ continuous at i / scale for any integer i:


Primarily, 4D perlin can be used to animate 3D perlin:

Or loop a 2D perlin animation:

Musgrave Noise

Musgrave noise was also extended to 1D, 2D, and 4D dimensions. Since it is very similar to perlin, the aforementioned examples also apply and I shall not showcase it further.


Very Cool, Blender is just getting more better each week, also what Linux/Window Manager you using there @OmarEmaraDev .

Arch Linux with i3-wm. Not a fan of i3, but using it temporarily until I write my own X window manager. :smiley:


Thank you for your great work! It’s good to see such confidence at a GSoC.
Although I wish there would be preset node groups of all these use cases.
The average end user has no clue on how to get to these seemingly simple noise setups with basic math nodes. These should be somehow accessible out of the box.