Call for Content: MatCaps

Perhaps it was multiple comments with links in a short period of time. I’ve unhide them now, thanks for the poke I will keep a close eyes on hidden posts here.

Not a question, but I’d like to point out two things:

  • I don’t think it makes too much sense to make the color management settings affect the matcap renderer, same goes for solid, texture and material mode (If I’m working on a night scene I don’t want to break the workbench visualization modes). At least it should be possible to opt out.
  • Seems like the way the current color override for matcaps works consists simply on multiplying the color on top of the matcap, this breaks completely the specular reflections of the matcaps. A good and not too complex solution could be to (optionally) have a second image per matcap with the specular pass that gets added on top of the diffuse. That way we could have one matcap per material type (as suggested by @Wazou) while maintainning compatibility with matcaps made for other software packages.

I think being able to edit matcap’s contrast with curves would be nice but thinking more…

Matcaps are specific for sculpting, Sculpted objects generaly have to the order of million polygons…
Actually all renedring speed is welcome!

So, yea, maybe we could need even have to disable anti alisasing, color management, some overlays, even use 16bit normals if possible.

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Is there a trick to adding a matcap ? I pasted mine in \2.80\datafiles\studiolights\matcap where all of the others are, but it’s not showing up. Did I miss a step ?

Only jpg are supported for now.

Alright thanks ! I had it saved as a png…
Here is my contribution.


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Clay matcap for sculpting



-EXR file
here (google drive)


another clay matcap for sculpting



-EXR file
here (google drive)


How can we bleed the sphere to the outerpart, i noticed that the once with a black or dark background have jagered edges on meshes. The Matcaps which have the colours bleeding to the edges look much nicer.

Nevermind, i used a different matcap creator. Just now noticed his background node setup



Im done giving them names :wink:



-EXR file
here (google drive)

(I think I’m done now)


Download (.exr and .jpg):

A low-contrast grayscale matcap that resembles the first preset (but looks better imo). Since it’s grayscale it should work well with the material mode. Although I would be happy if there was a gradient mapping mode too so you could choose your own colors (using a grayscale matcap).


Download (.exr and .jpg):

A low-contrast grayscale matcap that has darker lighting in the middle area with lights around it making surface details very apparent. Should be good for sculpting.
That’s all from me! :stuck_out_tongue:


Kinda of a clay shader.

Here is the EXR: []

I don’t know if the EXR was properly made because I never used this file format. I exported it from blender with the option “Open EXR”, I set the float to full… But the visualization in photoshop was different from the jpg, it was more saturated. If you guys know a better way to export the exr file, please let me know.

The server says I can only upload one image in this post because I am a new user, so I could not show the matcap as a sphere. But its jpg is in the link <<<



here it is

A Studio clay matcap I made entirely procedurally with GLSL.
I like those hot/cold colors on a white material with a red sss underneath, feels more organic while sculpting.


EXR Download - Google Drive Link

Great matcap for viewing details.


There are many good matcaps here already, but I made some so I figured I’d share them

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