Call for Content: MatCaps

I agree those are nice. Personally, I wouldn’t mind including a few more, perhaps so that we end up back with 24 like in 2.79.

However, there are arguments from other developers, who’d like Blender to ship with a minimal amount of included data.

One of the problems with including many, is that there’s currently no way to remove or hide the built-in ones. If there was, I think it would be less of a problem to include more, as users could then easily remove or hide the ones they never use.


You are welcome to contribute an example matcap as you suggest - or perhaps the author of the car paint one is willing to create variations.

To me it seems like the problem is the view-transformation being set to Filmic by default. The matcap itself contains more contrast than the example above shows.
But I agree that it can still be improved, for example the position of the specular highlight could be optimized. So give me feedback and I’ll try creating variations without these issues.

Yeah, that’s a recurring problem, unfortunately matcaps ignore none of the color space settings, I would disable everything except curves.

@anon18120698 I totally agree since I am designing matcaps for no further transformation to be applied. And still enabling curves allows for some artistic control.
Maybe it would be a good idea to have an option to disable view transformations completely?

Here are the selected matcaps, visualised together:

Basic Shading/Diffuse



Geometry Checking





@billrey Is the first of the diffuse matcaps you posted the one I posted about 2h ago?
I’m just curious…

I actually did try to see if I could make a high contrast matcap, and came out with this. It’s a little to bright and bloody, but maybe someone could make something out of the horror haha. (Unfortunately I can’t use 2.8’s wasp bot for the showcase since I get that viewport bug, but this is more of a hard surface matcap anyway. Used one of the HDRIs from HDRI Haven and the matcap creator linked in the first few posts of this thread. I think I’ll play with it a little more to see if I can get something usable out of it.

Link if anyone wants to have a play or something -


So, another wack at a more reflective variation, I think this one’s better than my last interesting attempt. I couldn’t get the filmic contrast settings to save for some reason so couldn’t really test different contrast types, but oh well I suppose. What do you think?

Excellent list billray! Only thing I noticed that no matcaps with pronounced fresnel made it into final list. It is useful to have matcap suitable for flatter surfaces such as oceans. I recently had a problem previewing ocean surface in the viewport, I couldn’t find suitable matcap to test the waves neither in the 2.70 nor among new matcaps in 2.80. So out of necessity I created this matcap. It would be neat if people submitted more matcaps which could be useful for testing liquids and not necessarily made for vanilla sculpting. Also it would be nice to have generic pronounced fresnel matcap, maybe for previewing subtle wrinkles on a rather flat surface



Earlier you said

“There were too many too similar clay types”

but in standard blender, matcaps are almost always used for sculpting. And having a nice variety of clay matcaps that are easy on the eyes and show detail well is very important, specifically matcaps that will not contrast too harshly with the new default blender theme.

One of the most common complaints about the old blender matcaps was that the actually useful sculpting matcap selection was extremely limited, just because they are similar looking doesn’t mean they look the same using them for hours on end perfecting a sculpture. Its very nice to have a couple lightly variated clay matcaps that aren’t to intense.

And as @laudaris said, we don’t really have any high contrast rim lighted matcaps, and the 2.79 matcap that filled that niche was pretty bad. I don’t want to sound narcissistic or selfish recommending my own matcap but this one is actually very useful in these cases, and especially for sculpting

anyways, best of luck choosing from the communities contributions, I hope I’ve been helpful, and I’m sure that the final pick will be fantastic.


Imo, would be cool so split all the working matcaps between classifications and make a public pool where people choose the 20 ones of each category they really like so we can get a good sample, because although the current selected ones are really good, there are other matcaps that deserve a chance either.

that looks really good for hard surface modeling

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@The_Growl @billrey I’ve made another version of the red carpaint matcap.
Here they are on the wasp bot again:


I wonder why this Jade one wasn’t added to the collection?
Not only it has great qualities (moderate contrast, good lighting, easy to see shape limits, ridges and valleys), it was the most voted one with 63 :heart:s.
I even saw Pablo using it on one of his videos…
Any reason not to add it? Just curious…


Yeah, I was wondering the same, this one is by far the best matcap posted in this thread.

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Oh, don’t get me wrong, I thought your paint matcap was actually rather nice, it’s just not super reflective like the red one in Blender right now, so I can’t use it for model checking and sweeping through reflections, though I would definetely use it for casually modelling as an easy on the eyes matcap (Like this one below), but for shiny stuff.

Those jagged borders are actually a pretty common effect in toon shading, are you sure you wanna lose those?

Either way, here’s a version without the jagged effect:

I also made another one that doesn’t go to pure black… You can check it here:

Anyway, feel free to choose… it’s a nice list already… :+1:

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Decided to sort the Matcaps on this thread based on vote count (on this own post’s date), since it was asked of us users to vote on the ones we liked the most, I guess the like-count is a good indication of the active community preferences.

Click below to expand:

List of Matcaps

63 - Jade Material by mfhscoobydoo
41 - Skin Hype by JeanDaCosta
40 - Soft Brown Clay V1 by mfhscoobydoo
39 - Purple Aniso Metal Blurred V1 by wevon
38 - Soft Grey Metal by glep
37 - Brown Clay with Dramatic Light by mfhscoobydoo
36 - Perfect Skin by Erstus
35 - Studio Clay Greyish by JeanDaCosta
35 - Toplight Grey by PLyczkowski
32 - Ceramic by mfhscoobydoo
29 - Soft Grey by wevon
28 - LightBulb by JeanDaCosta
28 - Lead by CarloBergonzini
27 - Metallic for Hard Surface by jonlampel
27 - BrownClay Zbrush based Clay by ssh4
27 - Colored Reflection by zebus3d
27 - Toonish BW by TheRedWaxPolice
27 - Anisotropic Dark Metal by mfhscoobydoo
27 - Orange Resin and Brown Mud by Linko
26 - Ring of Fire Metallic by PixelTherapy
25 - Shiny Ceramic by wevon
24 - Smooth Soft Clay by JeanDaCosta
24 - Skin Tone with SSS by JeanDaCosta
23 - Purple Aniso Metal V1 by wevon
23 - Soft Brown Clay V3 by mfhscoobydoo
22 - Red Car Paint by Enty
22 - Blue Pearl by rbx775
22 - Ambar hand-painted by JeanDaCosta
21 - Shiny Grey by wevon
21 - Shiny Skin Tones by StuartEliason
20 - Purple Aniso Metal Blurred V2 by wevon
20 - No-name Soft Skin by mfhscoobydoo
18 - Neon Details by GimpTOOTS
17 - “Easy on the eyes” V2 by Pandrodor
16 - Clean White by jonlampel
16 - Skin Tone by RafalKrzanowski
15 - Metallic Colored Reflection V2 by DamienMonteillard
15 - Metallic Colored Reflection V1 by DamienMonteillard
15 - Shiny Purple by wevon
15 - Soft Redish Clay by JeanDaCosta
14 - Blender MC17 Red Metal Default Updated by wevon
14 - Shiny Redish by wevon
13 - Pink Aniso Metal Blurred by wevon
13 - SSS Skin Clay by Jewls
12 - Soft Greyish Clay V2 by JeanDaCosta
11 - Monochrome High-Detail by Beany
11 - Neon Rubber by AonoZan
11- Greenish Greyish Metal by LiquideBleu
11 - Blue Glass hand-painted by JeanDaCosta
10 - Red Sculpting Wax by jonlampel
10 - Comic Look by RafalKrzanowski
10 - Soft Brown Clay V2 by mfhscoobydoo
10 - Soft Greenish Clay by JeanDaCosta
9 - Muddy Brown Semi-Shiny by Beany
9 - Tomato by Hadriscus
9 - Bluish Grey Clay 0008 by So3Datel
9 - Soft Greyish Clay V1 by JeanDaCosta
8 - Dark Grey Rimlight by Beany
7 - Shiny Grey Clay V1 by cyaoeu
7 - Brown Clay by So3Datel
7 - Nostalgic 2.79 Interface by JeanDaCosta
6 - Light Contrasty Clay by Jewls
6 - Toon by Synn
6 - Blue Metallic by LeonardMeagher2
6 - Fleshy Material by JeanDaCosta
5 - Yellow Metal by wevon
5 - Contrasty Brown Clay by Aubert
4 - Matte Dark Grey Plastic by zebus3d
4 - Skin Clay by Jewls
4 - 3-Point Light Red and Blue Rough by JoshuaS
4 - “Easy on the eyes” V1 by Pandrodor
4 - Soft Pinkish Clay by JeanDaCosta
4 - Skin Tone by JeanDaCosta
3 - Toon hand painted by AndrewC
3 - Anisotropic Bright Metal by Quijx
3- Greenish Shiny by wevon
3 - Skin Marbleish Look Proposal by AnotherKeyPresser
3 - Default Shading by Quijx
3 - Shiny Grey Clay V2 by cyaoeu
2 - Dark Contrasty Clay by Jewls
2 - Bright Pink by LeonardMeagher2
2- Soft Skin by SpyChar
2 - Ghost Head Nebula by StuartEliason
1 - Carpaint Style with Clear Coat and Flakes by finnfiction
1 - Metallic multi colors by Jope
1 - 3-Poing Light Red and Blue by JoshuaS
0 - Very Soft White by HISEROD
0 - sRGB Grey Sphere by Vojtisek
0 - Linear Grey Sphere by Vojtisek
0 - Anisotropic Green by AonoZan

Mesh Check
49 - Normal Check by jptrash
30 - Horizontal+Vertical BW bands by HISEROD
19 - Horizontal and Vertical BW Stripes by RainerTrummer
18 - Shiny Reflection Check by HISEROD
15 - Horizontal BW Bands by HISEROD
9 - Normals Debug by JeanDaCosta
8 - RGB+BW Mesh Check by _pablo
6 - Ambient Occlusion Black Silhouette by jptrash

Newer submissions were placed on top of older ones with same :heart: count.
Names were based on description of the creator, and/or characteristics of the matcap.
Bold numbers are the ones currently selected by @billrey

Looking at the top voted ones, there are certainly a lot of good ones that could be part of the selection. But there are others on the bottom, that I don’t understand why didn’t receive more votes…But I don’t know how all of the non-selected perform on hard surfaces…


The selection actually can’t be decided by votes count, otherwise we probably would end up with very similar matcaps, which is not good.
The last selection is quite decent imo.
Maybe this topic name could later be changed to Blender matcaps repository, so it can become a place to share and grab matcaps forever?? haha :wink: