Blender user interface design

The 2.8 animation UI looks so much better, congratulations!

However, one thing I still found very counter-intuitive and I hope it is updated for beginners like me:

Why does a right-click on the “Armature” entry, or the “ArmatureAction” entry not give me simple options for adding a new action, or deleting the selected action? I’m sure there is some obvious button somewhere else, but it would be a lot more intuitive if it also was in this context menu. Especially since it’s such a fundamental thing to do in this view

I second this request.


Yes please. I hate skinny scroll bars and I hate scroll bars that hide themselves so Blender’s scroll bars are the worst of both worlds.


There’s a task… but seems dead at the moment…

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This patch seemed like a nice solution, but is stalled because of current scrollbar problems in Outliner. If someone can figure out the latter I’d love to get back to the former.


This is about 2.90.2 eaf7d36d66e5
Mark Seam/Clear Seam disappeared from ctrl+e menu. Is this a bug or a feature? I hope this is a bug. Because it is very inconvenient. Previously, I could use the ctrl+e menu for everything related to edges (bevel, sharps, crese, seams), but now I have to use two menus crl+e and U.

If this is a bug, then I will write a bug report. If this is a feature, please return Mark Seam/Clear Seam to ctrl+e menu.


I think this is a ‘feature’. They removed duplicate menu entries to make the UI less cluttered. Until now in Edit Mode you could find Mark Seam/Clear Seam in both the ‘Edge’ and the ‘UV’ menu as well as the ctrl+E menu.

It was mentioned in the most recent episode of Blender Today (#103 I think it’s unlisted as it was more of a casual chatting stream than usual, but here’s the link) and from what I understood Pablo was open to consider keeping in the ctrl+E menu.


I asked Pablo to return Mark Seam / Clear Seam to the ctrl+e menu. I hope he does everything as before.
ps. It’s back, it’s back!
People voted, thanks.Thanks Pablo! :slight_smile:


I would very much welcome a balanced tool menu approach like this add-on offers:


Is it still work now? Can I relay this post or thread and…Will you view it?