Blender UI paper cuts

You indeed have roots in filming: when you’re making rendering-animation you do count how many frames you have to deal with, for some reasons. One of them of course being “rendertime*number_of_frames”

But enough of this: we are reading from different books, it’s no use trying to convince each other. For me time starts at zero seconds (as in a cronographs) and frames are counted from 1 to the last (as a pencil animator’s pile of sheets - and also as in 25fps 1 is first 25 is last). I can’t wrap my head around something different, while you say this makes no sense. Let’s take a rest :vulcan_salute:


Can we have a regular right click context menu with “cut/copy/paste” on text fields?



enabling a container expands it. Minor annoyance, means if you want to enable a bunch of containers you have to manually collapse each one after enabling it before you can enable the next one.

I’m using Blender 2.82a and these are my gripes:

  1. Not possible to drop/exit a tool in Edit Mode which is a cause of modelling errors and time lost due to undos if the user catches the tool mis-click creating new geometry. All we have right now is the option to call up the Select tool. Spacebar or ESC would be equally good choices for exiting a tool.

  2. Edit Mode: Select sequence
    Modo for example lets you select two polygons in sequence and growing the selection will follow that sequence. It can be almost any pattern. Simplified Example: Select poly 1, skip poly 2, select poly 3, CMD + . This will select to the right of the selection and skip every other polygon in the direction selected until the end of a plausible element is reached.

  3. Edit Mode: Double-click geometry to select all polygons of a mesh
    When you have multiple meshes in one object, selecting the right polygons can be very tedious and time consuming. Double-clicking to quickly select all polygons belonging to the same mesh would alleviate this issue. Right now it’s matter of clicking through sub-menus of Select Similar.


Oh, yes. The first one is pretty annoying. It’s the reason why I dont use tools fron T-shelf at all. Instead access them by shortcuts. Basically the default should be box-select which user can activate when hitting [Esc] whether other tool is activated, in use or not.
Also perfect example when it’s not working consistently as expected would be extrude. When you use [E] and extrude part of the mesh and then hit [Esc] the created geometry is still there but with zero offset to starting point. Which forces you to use undo or perform other cleanup.

The third proposition is nice too. That would be a fast workaround to not having proper Element category beside Vertex, Edge and Face. It would remove unnecessary steps from how it is working currently: select element of the mesh -> Ctrl+L.
However the variant of this approach that I like better is selecting loops with double click and rings with [Alt] + double click.


I get that this menu was recently added, but it’s very rough Ux wise… it at least should change it’s color or something when there’s an option selected in it (preferably add a symbol to the button, but then why not just make a symbol toolbar out of it)…


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This is my go to menu to copy things from one object to another, but it doesn’t contain particle systems:


That option is apparently buried here… with a wording that (as is very often the case with Blender) makes you pause and think about in which order you selected your objects (ie, what is the active object again, and will I affect the active objects or the others):


The various render passes in 2.9 do not respect depth of field.

  1. Hit w
  2. Selext next/previous (not sure about hotkeys)
  3. Hit L

Guess why blender can’t rename the folder.
I’m pressing Enter to aprove the new name.


The folder with that name already existed but there is no notification


This makes no sense. When you are in edit mode, you’re always using a tool, so it’s all about switching, not dropping/exiting. If you want to switch to some selection tool when pressing esc or something, that’s up to you to assign a shortcut to it.

Ctrl + shift + numpad +

People ask for this all the time (me included lol), it’s pretty much standard, yes.
Even for uvs:


If that’s set in stone with Blender, I probably have to find a way around it. Maybe a script or digging through possible shortcuts. I like the definite confirmation that a tool is done with and cannot do anything further when I accidentally click in the viewport with the pen. (Which happens like a brazillion times a day). I’m just used to it working, coming from Modo and Houdini.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_monocle::no_mouth::dizzy_face: I only knew it without shift. Neat! Thank you. It even snakes around the outskirts of a plane correctly! That’s one off the list.

This is a debate about active tools. I’m with you about it. Blender needs a pasive tools (select and transform tools) and an active tool (extrude, knife,…) and when you don’t know what is happening click ESC to go out of the tool.


If you want to drop tools with Esc, you’ll have to add the shortcut through an add-on, as pressing Esc when you’re setting a shortcut in Blender cancels the process. Making a simple add-on to wrap your favorite shortcuts is fairly easy, though.

Tool dropping is handy, even if it doesn’t fit 100% into how Blender presents tools.

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It’s not clear to me what this would do. Like @ThinkingPolygons says, there is always a tool that is active. What should happen when you “drop” the tool ? Revert back to previously used tool ? to a specific one ?

I did this proposal time ago, it explain the way that could work

You have your active tools but when you escape from this you go to the passive tool (selection+transform tool)


I like this idea, but it seems a bit complex to manage for such a basic thing. Having to keep track of two different families of tools, … I don’t know. Right now we can almost do this though : in the gizmos popover, we can enable transform gizmos at any time. They only become visible when one of the selection tools is active. It seems that the “other tools” are mostly similar to operators (short-lived) ?

The problem is that for example juniors have problem to go back to a “secure” mode. Sometimes they don’t know what they are doing and they can’t go back with broke something.

And for people that don’t use the active tools bar is also a problem because sometimes blender change to a activetool and you don’t have any feedback because you don’t use the gizmos.

Not to dismiss your idea, but I don’t recall a situation when Blender switches to a tool on its own ?
The tweak/select tool can act as a safe fallback, this is how I use it in Maya (W key activates the select tool) since there is no way to trigger a transformation with a hotkey (like we can in Blender with G, R, S).

Blender already has something similar to this, selection tools can now be used as Fallback Tool. See T66304.
The Drag dropdown is visible for applicable tools and allows setting which selection tool to execute as fallback.

Depending on what you set there, either the active tool is executed when you drag outside of gizmos, or the selection tool set as fallback is executed.