Blender UI paper cuts

Did you forget about view option? It should be as default as well


What ungodly reason does the Blender developers have for this horror of a UX? :sweat_smile:


Super papercut:

An object hidden by a collection in the “layers view” does not show a hidden eye icon in the “scene view” despite not being visible!

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Just like with all tools, you can use it on the view plane by dragging anywhere in the viewport. Additionally, the gizmo follows the orientation setting in the viewport. By default it is set to Global but you can set it to whatever you like.

Could be great delete the fly mode, only exist walk mode and that you can activate fly controls inside walk with a hotkey, like F


I’ve made a mockup to improve that. Solution to the sidebar panel design

Unfortunately there are a lot more important things on the table right now.

oh ok, got confused with this battery gizmo :roll_eyes:

OK I know it is small thing for many users, but I think it is not fun and not good for new blender 2.8 UI (with many tool icons)

“Why there is no cute “render button” in some place of blender 2.8 UI?”
at least I expect, there is button which render, in Properties>render
I do not complain, even though in 3d view top or bottom header, there will be render button too. because we work on 3d view when render, with adjust camera etc.

So blender user really like to use F12 ? It is not fun for me. I think the icon should be large enough we can easy find. but at least, I hope to see “render” button. (even though it is not icon) Do not you like click render “icon” for render?? Is not it fun?:smiley:


maybe because F12 it’s much faster?
in that panel I almost never go there :slight_smile:

I’m trying some themes for funny
and with one of those white, it became obvious that
the Cartesian axis symbol flykering


On the march 04 notes it’s stated that object visibility animation was possible again. I’m not sure if that meant the eye icon in the outliner, but if it was, it isn’t working.



You have the top menu: File, Edit, Render and there you will find the “button”.

There’s also a Render Animation entry there, which a friend of mine tried for the first time, and then he had to exit Blender because he didn’t find a “stop render” button… so yes, similar paper cut. :slight_smile:

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When I press “shift + h” in edit mode to isolate a selection, alt-clicking on an edge (selecting non-manifold) doesn’t give me the rest of the edges. It still considers the hidden geometry for this operation.

This is inconsisten behavior with, for example, “select all”, which only selects from the currently visible geometry.


Dopesheet Papercut, appears when using Bone Group Colors:
In my case bright (yellow) Bone Group Colors make the corresponding Dope Sheet Channels unreadable.

Why is this important? It should be possible to use all pre-defined Bone Group Colors within the Dopesheet. This does not only regard the setting up of new Rigs, but also the labes generated by Rigify or other Addons/Scripts.

Sceenshot of this papercut in action:

Thank you for your attention!


Also on dope sheet, left click select, but the blue timeline indicator must be moved with right click.

As mentioned many times, this is a known issue:


I’ve always found the wording on the mirror modifier, and other mirror functions to be a bit confusing/ambiguous.

To my mind “Mirror on the X axis” implies “the plane of the mirror is on the X/Z axis”, but actually means “the plane of the mirror is on the Y/Z axis”.

I wonder if anyone else has this problem. Do other programs use the same terminology?

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there is no way of knowing which bone you’re weight painting to an object (while in weight painting mode in that specific object)


I agree 100%. Personally I really don’t like F12 as a render button, (I don’t mind it staying as a hotkey since people already know it, but new users generally avoid the F1-12 like the pledge because they are afraid of messing up some settings and there is no visual representation for what was changed so no way to learn from it. Also, new users tend to learn the keyboard from left to right, so this would make F12 the last one to be stumbled upon. The drop-down menus are an ok way to find and learn about f12 but that isn’t nearly as artist-friendly as an icon. For as important as rendering is, I think it definitely should have a button (maybe at your placement, maybe in the viewports header, maybe in the viewport). Many apps skip the camera and do a quick viewport render which I really wish Blender had a button for, 90% of the time a camera isn’t necessary with my workflow. I have always imagined Blender would have nicely designed buttons for both of these ideas.

Another paper cut, converting text to mesh is such a sequential task that I never remember the hotkey, I only remember that it is a little strange. It is in right click unless you are in edit mode which you most likely wouldn’t be (not to mention metaballs strangely doesn’t even have a convert to mesh option in its right click). It would be really handy if there was a large button in the text properties to convert it to mesh.