Blender UI paper cuts

In Preferences / Input
“ouble ?”

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This operators are missing from the transform menu
Grab/trasnlate G
Rotate R
Scale S



Are these paper cuts being worked on still? I’ve seen so many good ideas but I have yet to see so many of them implemented in blender…


Why can’t I drag and drop objects to parent them in the scene view in the outliner, and why isn’t the scene view the standard view yet?

The layers view is FLAT, so it shouldn’t be the standard to view a hierarchy! (Also, why the heck is it called “layers” and not collections?)

So many inconsistentcies and non-industry standard Ux bullsh in the outliner still. :frowning:

Currently, this view does not allow you to see the objects inside the collections, so that would not be a good default choice as it stands.

They are called Collections.

I posted this elsewhere, but I’ll paste it here as well then:

Since many years back, the outliner is by far, the worst part of Blender for me. Blender is getting better, but the outliner is still so illogical and convoluted that I actively try to avoid using it (I actually switch to Max instead). :frowning:


It’s super late so I sound extra cranky, but here’s another outliner video before bed:

Granted, these may not be paper cuts… more like a kick in the balls.

Ton Roosendaal said he wanted a beginner mode for Blender, and I really want one too where I hope the outliner is stripped of all it’s stupid stuff. An UI is not supposed to make you angry, is it? Well, the outliner is bloody succesful at it.


The core developers are focusing more on bugfixing at this moment in time. There should be time again before 2.80 release to do some additional UI-related fixes.

In the meantime, other developers are welcome to contribute patches!


i just realized in blender, somthing abit confusing vers 2.8

if i ned to edit materials i have to go into the Shader editor
But if i want to edit settings for the Shader editor in preferences
then in preferences. its called Node Editor, not Shader Editor

Abit confusing


This settings are not just for the Shader editor. The theme settings for the Shader, Compositing and Texture editors are all controlled there, so makes sense to have a more generic name, I guess. Maybe it should be in plural “Node Editors”, so we would know it affect all the “Node” editors…?


The cancel button is very close to the + button when saving a file.
This is a tiny thing but I can imagine a lot of people accidentally cancelling instead of increasing the version number of their file.

Realized I could use the shortcut + on my keyboard to avoid this while writing this post.



Can we get rid of obvious tooltips like this one?



ohhh i see
well it might just be me then, ime rather new in blender so
intuitively ime thing Settings for Shader editor is also called Shader somthing
but it was not
so godt confused as in earlyer versions “if i remember correct” when editing materials
it was called node editor, on the small tab where i switch between window content.


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I’m a beginner in Blender, and I see that there are things that are different in Blender to other programs, such as the select menu.
In other programs (at least the ones I use) the option that is in use is always checked in the select menu, there is no confusion.

But in Blender the active option is not checked, and it always seems that there is one more option. For example, in the render engines option, it seems that we have four options, when in fact they are only three… quite annoying.


Where has the timecode style setting gone to in the user prefs? I can’t seem to find it…

Time Code is in Interface > Viewports > 2D Viewports.

Thanks. It’s really tricky finding stuff in User Prefs.

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Hot damn. The Numpad+ keyboard shortcut to increment the filename in the Save Dialog is a great little hidden feature!


Just FYI, Timecode was under 2D Viewports in 2.7x as well. This hasn’t changed.

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