It’s hard for me to explain as I don’t speak english, but an active tool is more intuitive and allows you to do more stuff more easily. For example if you are using the bevel tool, you can perform as many bevels as you want without leaving the tool and keep reactivating it with ctrl+b or whatever for every single action, this is insane. Not to mention that most of the time you can’t even rotate the view while you are using modal tools. Active tools are superior in every way, you just need to understand the concept, and once you do you’ll never want to use modal tools again.
Why not have bevel as toggle like what I suggested for annotate. You turn it on, use it for as long as you want, then cancel out of it or switch to a new tool. If the transform options are made into an overlay you can even use them at the same time you are beveling.
I understand the concept. I’ve used it before in other programs. It just not being done in an efficient way. I’ll bet my left nut that I can model faster in 2.45, the first version I ever used, than anyone using these new tools in 2.8. I’ll gladly have that race with anyone willing to put their money where their mouth is.
“An active tool is more intuitive and allows you to do more stuff more easily” It is more “intuitive” in that it looks like it does in Maya. It is, however, not at all allowing you to do things more easily. It’s slower and clunkier and requires a lot more fiddling about.
“For example if you are using the bevel tool, you can perform as many bevels as you want without leaving the tool and keep reactivating it with ctrl+b or whatever” The bevel modifier served that purpose. Ctrl+B lets you set the amount of bevels by MM scroll.
“Not to mention that most of the time you can’t even rotate the view while you are using modal tools.” Why would you want to do that? You can’t rotate the view while using the sticky tools either (you have to let go, rotate and re-select - and selecting can be a problem in itself because of the new LCS-system).
“Active tools are superior in every way, you just need to understand the concept” You just sound like you’re very inexperienced with using Blender in general. Learn to use the tools before criticizing them.
He has a point about rotating while you use the tools. I didn’t even catch that. You use your mouse to use the tools which means you can’t rotate anyway.
I would love to see MasterXeon1001 do a comparison. He models like a speed demon, in full-screen, without any gizmos. Actually, I’d like to see his input on these new changes too, since he’s so well known in the community - I cannot imagine that he likes any of this stuff.
Okay, I’ll stop here, you guys have a huge problem of understanding the new tools. My advice is to take some time studying the concept. Or maybe someone with a better english will make you understand it more easily.
Isn’t that the guy that made one of the boolean tools or something? Thats how I model so I’d love to hear his input. If he is the guy that I’m thinking about then I’m pretty sure he also understands the importance of parametric modeling and how this pushes blender even further away from being able to achieve that in any way.
I use Maya too. I’m not unfamiliar with the concept. The primary reason for modeling in Blender is that it is fast. Extremely fast. Much faster than Maya - and it’s thanks to the unique system of not relying on slow sticky tools. Honestly, try learning to use hotkeys properly and see for yourself. You are doing yourself a disservice by sticking to slow tools.
Judging from your profile picture you are clearly a new user. I can’t blame you for not understanding why these aren’t efficient ways of working considering you probably haven’t developed an efficient workflow yet but some of us have. Some of us have been using blender and other modeling programs for decades. I don’t think its us that are not understanding the new tools.
He’s the main guy behind HardOps and Box Cutter (and MESHmachine?). Yeah, he sure knows how to model with efficiency, and also quite a bit about how Blender operates “under the hood”.
u can assign hotkeys to active tools even add them to quick favorite, you don’t have to click them with mouse if you are a pro user,those meant for beginners and tablet users.
Haha, this picture is a joke, but that’s a long story. And no, I’m not a new user, I’m using blender since 2.5, but I’m mainly a c4d user, also a zbrush teacher among other things, I’m also the owner of c4d community on discord where we help people out… so yeah, long long time on it…
funny you mention that, the people who have been using blender for decades are also the ones who have been pushing for the changes in 2.8 that you’ve been yapping about.
Who exactly? I want names so I can look up their opinions on this. And exactly which of the changes that I’ve mentioned?
It is evident that Spring has not been modeled in 2.8 and the modeling area has not been properly tested. Worst of all is that no importance is being given to modeling.
try Andy, Andrew Price, Pablo, or anyone on twitter
that’s not how short movie production usually works, tweaks, new models for new sets, shapekeys and adjustment for rigging, are all constantly being developed.
Blender 2.79 is the best tool to model efficiently and quickly that I know, unfortunately the same can not be said of 2.8.
I love blender and I never thought to get to the point of considering using another tool, especially with the hype I had at the beginning of the code quest.
I know you don’t have time to watch a 40 minute video but how about a 2 minute video instead?
This quickly sums up just some of the ways these tools conflict with each other and with themselves. It also shows how right click to select is the superior way of selecting even with the new tools.
The only thing I forgot to mention was that there should be a way to cancel out of the tool using escape or something.
i don’t think anyone in the blender headquarters is “pushing” for left click select. Here’s the deal tho
in the studio that i worked with, you actually had all the 3d artists use blender in conjunction with maya, these were the only 2 3d apps on the floor.
no amount of convincing will actually force these people to switch to right click select, they opened blender for the first time, saw that it had a weird behavior of R click select, found a way to change it to left click, and did just that.
I can only show them so many upsides, still they refuse to switch to right click select.
Statistically more than 50 percent of blender users have changed that setting. so i guess i wasn’t the only one confused when people wouldn’t be open to trying RMB. eventually the left click people in 2.79 will find themselves in a situation where they couldn’t go beyond using basic things because all of blender was designed around r-click select.
anyway, armed with that info, all blender developers did is basically fix the broken left click from 2.79 to 2.8, since right click select community is… and you need to accept it… the minority of users.
And they are completely justified in making it the default selection since that’s what most people (im talking 2.79 statistics here) do anyway.
maybe its the wrong change? idk, a new user who uses blender for the first time will only sacrifice like 10% speed(with LMB) but at the end of the day he/she will stick to blender! and that’s a good thing, because that new user then will go to his team and say “hey guys, i tried blender and it seems like a great software”