Blender is moving in the wrong direction

Unless I’m misunderstanding you it would seem you are wrong(build from 29th last month):

The layout adjusts responsively to the space/panel size. Sure it could be optimized to be more conservative of space, but that is a different discussion and has been discussed before I seem to recall.

Theming/colorization of icons is planned as far as I know. Blender 2.80 is not finished.

I can agree with you on point 2 in as far as the top bar needs a lot of improvement and optimization. I have little in views of how though, at least for now. But it does feel off to me as of right now.

For the first, I think a change to being a tool pallet was the right choice, however it might be interesting indeed to also see an optional “Action Bar”(which is what the previous one really was).