Blender 4.2 - EEVEE-Next Feedback

I’m not sure if it has been reported already, but the automatic conversion of eevee-legacy shadow settings seems to often go wrong in a lot of my files:

Surely this isn’t how its meant to be? There are two noodles feeding a single socket on the material output node, and nothing is plugged into the mix shade node.

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Tried a similar setup (using the Glare node’s new Bloom with Mix at 1.000 as the Factor into a Mix node) over here, found that the Glare node’s output is so far outside of normal range that it’s causing black artifacts. Putting it thru a Color Ramp normalizes/fixes it, but there’s some discussing of if this should be reported as a bug or if we should be asking for a Normalize/Clamp checkbox, either for the Glare node’s output or the Mix Node’s input (the Mix node has a Clamp Factor checkbox in the Shader Editor, but the Clamp checkbox on the Compositor’s Mix node seems to affect output, not the Factor input).


In my case I always need to pass it by the color ramp to colorize it… because there’s no color options now this is the only way I figure out to do it… but I still don’t even know if this is “correct” (Legacy equivalent)… but it works.

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When you say rendered mode, I just want to confirm which mode you’re talking about.

Material preview mode in the viewport?
Rendered mode in the viewport?
Rendered mode, as in final renders?

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Here’s the problem:


I know one can use the Material preview mode, but then every time one switches to render the Booleans block everything forcing to hide them and then un-hide to make adjustments, swith to material, switch to render, hide etc… it’s a bunch of waste of time.


This is unexpected and broken. I have submitted a fix here: #125438 - Fix broken EEVEE material shadow mode versioning - blender - Blender Projects


Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

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I’m not a EEVEE developer, so what every I say could be wrong. But I am doubtful the EEVEE developers will change this behaviour so that “Viewport Display As” has an effect in the rendered viewport mode (the mode you’re using in the images).

This is for a few reasons:

  1. This aligns with Cycles.
  2. You’re in rendered mode, ideally you will want to see the scene as it will appear in the final render and having a “Viewport Display As” mode impact things negatively impacts this goal.
  3. There is a new option to hide these objects in rendered viewport mode. It’s in Object Properties -> Visibility and is controlled with all the Ray Visibility ... options (E.g. Ray Visible to Camera).

Haaa I see! :face_with_monocle: :astonished:
Alright… I hadn’t notice it! Thanks for the heads up! It’s a solution indeed!

…This was the easiest fix ever :laughing:
…all good, real thanks!

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The big issue people are having now is that if they’re in material preview mode, and Camera ray vsibility is off, their object is invisible no matter what Viewport Display As settings they have, which is interupting some boolean workflows.

There is a dicussion about whether or not the ray visbility settings should impact material preview mode for this very reason, and so the behaviour of ray visibility in material preview mode may change in the future.

In “Display as Wire” it’s always visible on all modes.

Only in “Display as Solid or Textured” the object indeed disapears in Material mode.

Oddly enough, it could be said that Solid and Textured doing anything in Preview or Rendered mode was just a bug in the past. The tooltips say the following, and have since forever:
Solid - "Display the object as a solid (if solid drawing is enabled in the viewport)"
Which it’s not. Material preview was enabled above, not Solid shading.

Textured - "Display the object with textures (if textures are enabled in the viewport)"
Which it’s not. The textures mode is only an option with Solid shading mode.

I’m seeing PR #121925 “Subprocess based parallel shader compilation” as closed, but it links to “Try to fix Mac compilation”, which doesn’t seem to be.

I didn’t find parallel compilation in 4.2 release Mac, is it still begin worked on?

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IMHO, Eevee-next still has too many problems feature/performance-wise to truly belong in an LTS release.
It’d be great if future 4.2LTS updates have an option to switch back to legacy Eevee either for material preview or render view. Maybe include both as separate render engines?

Also would it be too much hassle to build from source my own 4.2 build with old Eevee? I can look into it myself but would love a heads up how deep of a rabbit hole it’d turn out to be.


You’d have to somehow revert and then do some more changes on top of that.
I’d suggest to either stay on 4.1 or wait for the issues to be fixed in the coming 4.2.x versions.

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I use Blender for Material-Panting, which uses a lot of Image Textures to be used as masks.

In Blender 4.2 one of my Projects does not display the material anymore, the entire material is pink now (Eevee viewport).
The Viewport with Cycles works just fine.

If I open the same material in 4.1, everything works just fine.

Edit: there seems to be a Limit to the Max. amount o “Image Texture” nodes that can be used? As I removed some from the material, then I started to render again, but I’m unable to remove them for Production, because they are required to archiv the material as intended.
Can I increase this “Limit” back to the 4.1 number?


Legacy eevee is gone forever.I guess we have to stay on 4.1 for a while


Tried 4.2 in my old iMac from 2017 and the moment I turn to EEVEE it just dies. Takes half a minute to do anything, I think that’s fair, time to move on but I guess it should be stated somewhere, it’s just not compatible with older Macs


use that my frend