In today’s Beta build, Eevee Viewport and Render can have big discrepancies.
Sometimes the viewport can change (and match render), but I’m not sure yet what causes this change. I wonder if it’s related to viewport’s differences in sampling.
Contact shadows indeed makes huge differences. Without it, hair roots jump out immediately.
EEVEE Legacy also had the benefit of SSS on the skin blending the hair even further.
I would love to have that SSS blending back, that was really handy in many cases.
Indeed, I’ve been tinkering with shadow settings to get some shadow under hairs with very little luck. Contact shadows may not be physically correct but are so much better looking to ground specially fine or small geometry
In EEVEE next, the near clip plane is computed automatically. It is defined by influence_radius_max / 4000
. If custom distance is set, it is custom_distance / 4000
Your light seems to have a very high output which I guess makes its automatic max influence distance very large, likewise the near plane distance is large too and clips your gobo mesh.
This 4000 divisor was computed to be a sweet spot to give the best precision out of the shadow map. So if you have precision issue, use custom distance.
Thank you very much! I have a feeling that the by default presumed (max) light intensity is quite small (well, the divisor is large) but time will tell (people might or might not report this in case of issues).
I have excitingly been following the Eevee-Next development these past few months. I’m especially impressed with how HDRI’s now look raytraced in Eevee.
I have noticed however since the removal of the shadow normal bias option after blender-4.2.0-alpha+main.8b514bccd162, the light/shadow projection has looked wrong. I’ve been patiently comparing with every new version update, but as of the latest beta, shadows still look wrong.
As I understand it was removed because it was causing unwanted shadow artifacts, and was instead implemented with an internal automatic normal bias value.
I usually set my light shadow bias at 0.001 to get the best shadow quality possible, without using contact shadows, as this causes incorrect shadows.
I would really like to have the option to manually set the shadow bias once again, I would rather have the artifacts than incorrect shadows.
I have prepared a render comparison here
Oh wait what? You can make Eevee Next shaader compilation faster with threads? Where is this setting? Is it in preferences, or some pane somewhere? I haven’t seen it, and I thought I looked at everything.
I have at least one Blender scene that simply never completes the shader compilation before I get tired of it and kill Blender. I think the longest I let it go was something like 3 minutes.
UPDATE: No, the shader compilation actually completes (slowly, but maybe only 20-30% slower than Eevee Legacy). But then what happens is it keeps going back to the initial viewport sample over and over, which visually looks like materials compiling, but is actually in some sort of infinite loop never completing the render. I’ll keep checking new nightly builds every couple weeks, and if the problem persists, I’ll file a bug.
Cycles has Shadow Catcher as option per object. In Eevee Legacy, a Shadow Catcher can be created in the material nodes with Shader to RGB.
Will Eevee Next have the option for a proper Shadow Catcher?
Good news about the motion blur It’s almost perfect!
There’s just some kind of issues with the camera switching now… the “set camera to marker thing”
- In the viewport render (view → viewport render animation) the Motion Blur should ignore the camera switch, therefore no blur when we switch camera, but blurs the render as if it had traveled from one camera to the other.
- While rendering (Final Render), instead of switching to the next camera it just crashed the render… seems frozen!
After restart the render I confirm that all is good until the moment the camera should switch… then frozen the render. The animation has 900 frames and a camera switch at 100 and for some reason it doesn’t want to render that frame number 100.
Indeed if I start at frame 101 it starts rendering fine again.
I have another camera at frame 200, let’s see what happens
Please report a bug with a faulty blend file. It might take some time, but that’s saves us time we can use to fix more bugs.
Things were changed along the way to fix bugs.
Just make sure to set the Resolution Limit
to the minimum possible if you want the best shadows.
The rendering worked fine on all the other camera switchings, so… if one can’t reproduce it, it’s not a bug right …I only reported the camera switching and the temporal reprojection issue.
Am I the only one seeing things like this? Pick a really shallow depth of field (I use camera with f-stop 1.2) then have a strong rimlight capture a bright highlight on an edge that is itself reasonably in-focus, but the background very out-of-focus.
You will get these extremely large and obvious jaggies. Important note: these are not pixel effects. The jaggies are probably 5-10 pixels in size. It’s in the render.
|I get a similar effect when I use DOF in Workbench renders. When there’s a really large amount of background blur, then an edge in focus has weird halo. I’ll attach an image of the problem in Workbench with DOF.
The Workbench halo has been a problem with that renderer since the 3.x series at least. But the jagged rimlight effect is new to Eevee Next.
UPDATE: I think the jaggies only happen in the viewport. I’ll do a few more tests, but at least my initial “render this frame” test yields no jaggies.
@pragma37 I’ve found a problem with the shader compilation solution. Sometimes Blender crashes and when it happens additional “copies” of Blender (as many as you set in MSCS) would still hang in the memory. You have to manually “kill” them.
Is this same behaviour seen on today’s version of blender 4.3 alpha or 4.2 beta?
This should have been solved a few days ago.
If you’re using the latest version available, then open a report, please.
Sphere have a same behavior