Blender 4.2 - EEVEE-Next Feedback

So… this is just so blurred that for sure can be considered safe from the NDA’s…
It’s the actual render, no editing besides cropping to remove some things that could be recognizable.



This is a normal scenery with characters, a road, grass terrain and trees.
This particular image was captured on the viewport render.

  • going from render mode to solid mode fixes this both for final render and viewport
  • Doesn’t fix it for “viewport render animation”

Also now the “viewport render animation” no longer consider the camera frame limits!?

ReSTIR is a technique to help improve the quality of samples in a ray tracing render engine. And it makes rendering slower. However, for most scenes the decrease in performance is out weighed by the increase in “quality” of the samples.

ReSTIR can be used for real time rendering or offline rendering, it’s just commonly used for real time rendering because to achieve real time performance, low sample counts are used and ReSTIR can greatly improve the quality of the small number of samples.

Cycles is implemented ReSTIR for the primary benefits of the “increased quality of samples”. This will make it better as a “low sample count render engine” which can offer real time levels of performance at reasonable quality on some hardware in some scenes. But ReSTIR in Cycles doesn’t appear to be aimed at making Cycles replace EEVEE.


I see. Interesting. Well it’s still quite likely Cycles will be using it to become real time, or at least it will be a choice, considering that we can choose the noise threshold in a render. I still wonder what role will Eevee play when Cycles reaches real time performance. I think I saw NPR (Non-photorealistic) as one of the upcoming plans for Eevee, but the upcoming movie Gold is using Cycles to produce cartoony images.

Cycles is the antithesis of many approaches to NPR, so it’s not merely a matter of render speed (though the speed difference to Eevee is certainly a negative.)


Yesterday I tested fresh Blender build and the performance gain for PFR is huge.

EEVEE-Next [0d4e4e3f4254]: 6.2 fps

EEVEE-Next [896ef010f6a7]: 16.4 fps

PS. I’ve also noticed an interesting thing - GPU (GTX1660) has started using more power. Looks like in the new version it goes to a higher P-states than in the old version. It used to be 55-60% of TDP and now it goes up to 83%, sometimes peaking at 92% while giving even more fps. This may explain the performance boost.


Gah. I really want to try this new version… The higher GPU usage sounds very promising indeed.

So… I think you’ll like to know that my latest 30 seconds short animation at work (BoomBit game publisher) was all rendered in Eevee-next and just got approved :slight_smile:

Therefore :smiley: Eevee-Next got to the point that can be successfully used on professional work.
Minor issue with what seems my personal Motion Blur thing but apart from that, no problem at all and visually looked much better!

Thanks for all the work and patience!


That’s great. meanwhile I’m having a hard time matching new EEVEE to old Legacy EEVEE scenes, seems like the effect of legacy contact shadows is difficult to achieve between AO (whatever is called now) and regular shadows. although the EEVEE-Next image seems to be lacking shadows, it indeed has them


EEVEE (next):


I think I’ll have to edit every light, it’s about the individual light settings.

Yes, it’s the light’s resolution limit. I guess it’s a great setting for performance but it made almost all my shadows imperceptible

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That’s likely to be a versionning issue. Maybe create a bug report with only the light setup with 4.1 and then see how it opens in 4.2 with EEVEE.

Edit: Ah, if you were using contact shadows everywhere with very low shadow resolution + high bias, then yes, that’s an expected situation I am afraid.

We might consider adding contact shadows back at some point. But that needs deferred shadowing first.


I supossed it was just the new workflow, and then guessed it was the light settings but even tweaking them doesn’t produce the same results as with contact shadows, wich maybe it doesn’t have to but it was puzzling to me why shadow areas weren’t getting enough darkness. By the way, is hair(curves) being rendered differently now? it looks much brighter in my scene but it must be related to the contact shadows Legacy used.

I’ve noticed I had “jittered shadows” turned off, shadows in near geometry areas like corners or crevices look much better when turned on. It’s much better now although the hair is still much lighter

Somehow I think in fact the hair looks more “correct” now because I had a hard time trying to make it lighter in Legacy


If using jittered shadows fixes it then it might be because you are using very large lights. The shadow tracing is not capable to not leak light for very large lights sources.

I will have a look at hairs.


Hello! I’ve been checking on replicating as closely as possible in EEVEE Next the NPR look that I I’m developing for a project with EEVEE legacy. I built a very quick scene with the same object and light setup (1 area light to the top right), and screenshotted the render and light settings of both engines.

So far it’s almost identical, but an issue that I’m facing now is that there are some shadow parts in Next that produce pixelated artifacts. Also, the shadow that is produced by the main body of the surveillance camera hits differently its curved support, but maybe this is actually more accurate than how it is in legacy?



In general, seems that in Next achieveing harsh shadows, or an NPR “crisp” look, requires more steps and tweaking than before.
I didn’t follow very closely all the recent updates of Next, so I apologize in advance if this particular issue has already been brought up and discussed!


The “Plane” reflection probe still doesn’t work!?
Using screen traced I get correct reflections and GI … but using Light probes I’m only getting the GI.
…But they look equally fast!

If you set the distance setting on the Plane probe to 0, you kinda get better results, with the lights in the scene reflected, but it’s a no match to how clean (and complete) it is in Legacy.

For when it comes to not using light probes, you certainly get less blurry reflections, but there are other artifacts that don’t make it stand out so better than Legacy in my opinion.
To me, tha fact that enabling Denoising produces that giant “black void” even in such a simple scene gives me still some doubts about Next…


Thanks! I’ve tried it but didn’t made a diference in my case… but if I check the “Capture” box I see the correct reflection being captured… seems good… but then doesn’t show up on the render… need to investigate more :slight_smile:

I think it’s becasue it’ just a viewport display setting, the tooltip says it’s for debugging.

But wait :slight_smile:
I now noticed that when in Screen-Trace Methode I do get substantially better reflections if the Plane Probe is turned on!

In Light Probe Method it just doesn’t work.

Yeah, the method that I always used was Screen-Trace, which is also the one in my video. With Light Probe method, I was getting no refelctions at all.

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The black void should be fixed in today’s build.