We are undoubtedly close, although materials using Emit don’t emit as much as they do on Legacy. Eevee-Next (A) can’t even trigger the compositor lens flares, and it’s even stranger that raising the material Emit value doesn’t make them activate.
Without access to the scene itself it is hard to tell what is the cause of the orange light leak.
About the more complex materials look noisier and flatter, this is most likely due to random closure selection giving a hard time to the reflection denoiser. EEVEE-Legacy did not do random sample closure which made the evaluation of complex shader very slow and only 1 BSDF could have reflections.
It could also be that the default raytracing max roughness is now 0.5 and it makes some reflection rougher.
If you can, reduce the complexity of the shader / asset without removing the bug (and if you can share the asset), please open a bug report so we can track the issue and look at solution.
Unfortunately, this workflow was based on a limitation that EEVEE-Legacy had. There was a lot of users requesting this to be fixed and EEVEE-Next finally honor object boundaries just like cycles does.
I am not sure why raytracing make the object transition less visible. But the real fix would be to just merge the geometry into the same object.
This might be either caused by temporal reprojection or by the direct/indirect light clamping. Neither should not affect the emission channel. So I would recommend creating a bug report.
This is already implemented, it is just now disabled for viewport. Although given that we now have a toggle for jittered soft shadows for viewport, maybe it make sense to have this one too.
There might be more settings inside this panel eventually. So I prefer to keep both options separated for now.
I want to echo what others are saying in that I think the light’s bounce intensity is a little low at least compared with Cycles and which I understand y’all are trying to match. I have to do some tweaking of settings depending on my camera distance or if it’s inside the box from the reverse angle or outside of the box as shown. This is understandable as Eevee has always needed tweaking per scene set up compared to cycles, but the amount of bounce does seem low.
Note: If I try to crank up the light intensity (200W to 600w) in Eevee to match Cycles this can compensate for some situations like this one, but has a worse blown out effect compared to just adjusting Eevee’s settings, i.e. like a character standing under the light source or near it can be too intense. I will say that this all may be that Eevee’s light watts are not on matching Cycles, but I have noticed discrepancies when object distance is concerned, like i mentioned, even when the light’s intensity are matched. Either way it would be great to have matching light intensity like with Legacy Eevee.
Here are a few examples starting with Cycles as a baseline.
Second example is with Max Roughness in the RT setting turned up to 1 which disables horizontal scan. This looks great with the shadows minus that the intensity of the bounce light seem really low. This example looks most like Cycles minus the lights intensity.
Note: Light has custom distance turned on to add intensity.
Third example is with Max Roughness dialed back to .5 and Horizontal Scan’s thickness cranked to 3m. I feather the Max Roughness’ bias to balance between HS and MR. This is a lot brighter but the light starts to penetrate objects (light leaking?) as seen on the back of the sphere.
Lastly I would like to say that the shadows are looking considerably better. Ya!
The wall shadow line seen mostly in example 2, is not the shadow issue (shadow line moving opposite of light movement) mentioned a couple of months ago; y’all resolved that. This line is just from low bounce lighting.
I’ve placed direct/indirect light clamping to zero and deactivated and activated most of the settings and made no difference. I’ll try to replicate it on a simpler file and if I succeed I’ll file the bug report.
Another issue is the absence of the “Contact Shadows”… how do we do that now!?
For zones like inside the mouth this can be a problem:
This is a limitation in the viewport drawing code currently. It will hopefully be resolved soonish. In eevee all curves have to have the same radius currently.
HI @fclem . Will this also be a limitation in Eevee next (and in workbench)?
The raytracing pipeline is known to have some energy conservation issue. See #113036 - EEVEE-Next: Weird denosier behavior [SSGI] - blender - Blender Projects. It should be mostly caused by the denoiser or the fact that we only intersect on facing geometry. Changing thickness and removing denoising should reduce the difference. We are still looking improving the denoiser.
I’ll discuss that with other devs and see if that’s the best approach. We also want to minimize having to constantly tweak settings between Render and Viewport.
Okay, played a bit with Eevee Next again and AO and SSGI is still one - really please consider splitting these. They are not the same ito achieving a specific look, even when dealing with interiors. Sometimes you don’t want SSGI, but you do want AO, as it was. Here is one I did a short while ago - using Eevee Legacy:
I used a MASSIVE amount of ambient occlusion to get the right feel here. SSGI in a very small amount would have been helpful, but I can guarantee based on the simple test I did this morning, the amounts vary widely for the right look and feel…
The lightpath node, specifically referring to Transmission Depth and Transmission Ray. Are there plans to support these in Eevee Next?
Initial loading of shaders is unpractically slow, especially compared to Eevee legacy. I know this is still being investigated to improve, I was just stunned at how slow it is in comparison… Wow… hehe, was hoping they’d be faster than legacy, not slower by multiples. The same goes for turning on transmission and other shader settings like blend vs hashed, etc.
In addition to this, there are also the weird shadow controls under the render settings. They’re so slow, I don’t even want to touch it to see what more rays would mean - goodness… I tried upping to 2 and it took almost 30+ seconds. Will search to see what they do, but yikes…
The additional viewport denoising options are looking great! Greatly considering using viewport denoising over compositor denoising down the line, as it appears to run faster. Also awesome that there is a vector pass - still have to see what all is supported in the compositor, to see how far this would go to replace the main motion blur function - which looks the best, but also, soooo slow…
LOVE the direction Eevee next is heading in - it’s gonna be a game changer!
Could the HDRI Sun extraction shadow setting also include the same entries as a Sun light for jitter? I think it can be useful because some HDRI are indoor and thus have softer shadows.
On some creatives from work I’m now having shadows on top of shadows… therefore a light shadow that has a darker shadow on top, when the expected would be only a shadow.