Blender user interface design

what I’m interested in is a system that recognizes when there are heavy scenes and gives priority to setting the slider of the parameter that I want to set rather than start to lag to keep “realtime” the changes …
the condition that I would like to activate is always:
first move the parameter slider (in case of possible lag) and at the release of the click, assign the parameter to the object …

I hate terribly when it starts to lag. it makes my work from relaxing to hateful and nervous


studying your suggestion better seems a really comfortable solution compared to the current state … it could avoid making the work odious when it emerges lag …

I remember suggesting something similar before. Very handy, yeah…

The example you linked to has separate slider from amount input. Therefore a single click can have two different behaviors if you click in either. Still not sure how that would work in santbg’s example.

Click / click and drag would do, I guess…
Click to set the new position, and click and drag to follow the cursor movement?

He suggested a double click.

This is click

This is click and drag

And double click to type the value?


But you think about a cluster of properties like “Dimensions” in Properties. There is ResolutionX, ResolutionY, and “%” all together in a group.

All three of these will take a manual numerical entry and you can also drag your mouse to increase or decrease the value.

Are you suggesting that to manually enter a value with your keyboard that you single-click on two of these, but you need to (remember to) double-click on just one of them? Or are you suggesting that every property would need a double-click to enter a value rather than the current single-click?

Yes, that’s exactly the idea.

It would only work for fixed ranges.
Here for example:

Here’s a better example.

Currently for all these inputs you can drag your mouse to change all the values. Or you can single-click and enter a value.

But you are proposing that we would need to single-click to enter a value into IOR but you’d have to double-click on the rest?

double click avoids errors
and the one click “set a parameter between 0 and 1” is much more relaxing and immediate than being grab and drag every time …

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So you are proposing that for all of our numerical inputs, where we can click once to enter value, should require a double-click instead?

Or are you saying that this is just for properties with a fixed range? So in my example above, IOR would be single-click while all the rest would be double-click?

Only if you used it you can see the advantages of what they are proposing. I really miss this feature in blender.

I imagine for everywhere …
I’ve used this system in other software and I’ve always found it more immediate than being drag and grab each time to set a parameter …
notwithstanding that the drag and grab always remains when it is necessary, especially pressing shift to set more precise numerical parameters …

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I do not see the benefit of such a thing, and change behavior between controls…

Without forgetting that in blender, if we click&drag down we can edit multiple values at the same time.

with this “click set parameter” method

double click and drag and grab are automatically used less … only when necessary to be more precise in some way …

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I’m not trying to be dick. I can certainly see the advantages.

There would obviously be no issues if the numerical entry was separate from the slider. But we are using the same area for both so there are conflicts that need to be thought through.

So let’s ignore for a moment the idea of requiring a double-click for all numerical inputs.

Instead think of an input that this would apply to. An input that goes from zero to one. Displayed in there right this moment is “0.15”. What happens at the moment you click that first click in the middle of that input? Does it change to “0.5” immediately because you clicked there? Or does nothing happen, just in case this is part of a double-click?

If that first click changes the value then that would mean double-clicking on the input would end up with you manually editing a value that is now 0.5. If you instead wait, in case it is going to be a double-click, that means you are delaying every single click action by the double-click time.

Again, not trying to be a dick, just pointing out some pitfalls with such a change to the current design.

verification tests should be made.
even with other software in the case…
inkscape… the first that comes to mind

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