Blender 2.8 industry standards already please

Ironically I would actually pay to see this shit fixed soon…

and more importantly… all the things listed here

If anyone on the dev side could provide a donation quote please do :slight_smile:

What a nice guy :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

Actually, that’s the beauty of the (2.79) defaults. They flow so well, scripts, customising hotkeys, etc, it’s all unnecessary. There’s some addons that add extra litle toolkits and such, but A lot of people run with default keybinds - It’s almost entirely people from other software that change them. Any changes are typically down to personal taste, rather than workflow benefits.

When the keymap actually has a possible improvement found, with good reason, it’s changed. You could have seen that effect happening, if you were paying attention, with the various back-and-forth on the edit mode pie menu conversations, aswell as the select-all hotkey and it’s behaviour. This is because the artists working within blender’s organisation, and on the open movies, have direct feedback into the development. Changes to the keymap are tested by these artists.

“Slap a price tag on blender”… You still don’t get it, you’re comparing apples and oranges here. If blender had a price tag it would then have to care about all the crap you’re talking about, and have to sit stagnant like all the other software in workflow innovation, in order to try and maintain the max number of users possible, for maximum profit.

You’re equating “familiar” and “easy to learn” with “good workflow” and “quality software”. This is a fallacy.


:smirk: no really? I can’t imagine why. Probably has something to do with experience.

Any changes are typically down to personal taste, rather than workflow benefits.

What a stupid thing to say, it doesn’t even make any sense, because the reality is people change things to improve workflow benefits, why in the hell would they do it otherwise if it was there preference to improve something. And as blender defaults are absolute rubbish, it wouldn’t surprise me to find it being the one 3d app in the entire industry that everyone ends up changing the keymaps on…can even see it from the fanboys in the very thread admitting to changing it.

It’s your bias to believe that blender has the best default industry keymap for workflow efficiency despite all the evidence going against that.

It’s almost entirely people from other software that change them.
Yes, because people tend to want to change things after seeing things work better else where.

This is because the artists working within blender’s organisation, and on the open movies, have direct feedback into the development

ooh the special people I wonder how many of them run the awful defaults :thinking:

People like to minimise effort, so they’re averse to learning a second way of doing something, especially if they’re sceptical as to the benefits of doing so. They’d rather either change things to work the way they’re used to, or return to a system with which they’re familiar.

I haven’t seen any evidence. Only claims that familiar = better, or more common = better, which are untrue.

If they didn’t run the defaults, half their job would be pointless. They also wouldn’t have picked up and weighed in (with experience) on keymap changes during 2.8’s development.

i think what makes zbrush better is how the brushes work and their default settings too…etc they both have similar uniqueness to their UIs and once u get used to them, u won’t be bothered too much,.and same when you compare modo with blender and so forth…blender could use some changes here and there to make it more effecient for each discipline that doesn’t break it’s workflow …that’s why i am excited about the new sculpting branch…the guy working on it, is not only a developer but also an artist which gives him both perspectives ,and he is trying to add similar functionalities like in zbrush and much more.

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total baloney… there is no benefit in using the defaulty weird blender way other than inexperience with seeing how much better its been proven to be elsewhere. I started using wings first quickly moved to 3dsmax in college 2years later I switched to maya and have used it ever since in between it though I’ve used xsi, houdini, 3dcoat, mudbox, modo, silo3d, unity, ue, and map editors, everytime I’ve tried blender it has been swiftly uninstalled… maya has remained the best in navigation controls while shortcuts for other areas in those various other programs have all been relatively sane and quick to learn… cannot say the same for blender, yet it has been around just as long and has remained absolute garbage in default navigation,shortcut workflow and keymappings.

You think I complain about it as if I don’t have the experience or can’t learn other controls… well its not true because I have, it’s blender that is just obtuse in many areas of its design, workflow, learning its weird inefficient and often broken way of doing things when it’s been proven better elsewhere is just dumb… good thing the price point and lack of open source’ness of other packages are pushing more professionals into spending the time making blender less awful though.

Language is a screwed way of transferring knowledge gathered through experience. Xenophobia is what makes you an expert in the field of your own pockets. Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary comfort, deserve neither liberty nor comfort: FOSS4Life!

Blender philosophy is not for you.
Because it uses combo of both hands so it requires a good alternate use of both hemispheres of the brain …
Instead the hierarchical programs … that is those “industrial” … they are programs where one makes greater use one hemisphere of the brain than the other … this is why you have always found the way of working of blender hateful … This is a scientific fact, it does not want to be a sort of discrimination or anything else. The brains of open communities work differently and are more empathetic and willing to share, while the brains of closed source communities are more competitive and try to compete by seeing “enemies” the others.
Obviously the use of a certain philosophy rebalances these energies and over time minds change and the way of relating to communities changes …

welcome to the blender milk-mind-shake :wink:

In Vertex Mode.
2xclick to select a Loop. :white_check_mark:
Shift+2xclick to select multiple loops. :white_check_mark:
Shift+3xclick to deselect multiple loops. Because shift + 2xclick does not work. :x:

In Edge Mode.
2xclick to select a Loop. :white_check_mark:
To select several loops you need to press shift + 3xclick? Because shift + 2xclick does not work. :x:
Shift+3xclick to deselect multiple loops.:x:

In Face mode.
2xclick to select a Loop. :white_check_mark:
To select several loops you need to press shift + 3xclick? Because shift + 2xclick does not work. :x:
Shift+2xclick to deselect multiple loops. :white_check_mark:

oh, ICK use Ctrl+2xclick to deselect loop.

I agree with you. The first time I discover blender I were scarred to use it because of it philosophy. And someone convinced me to use it by the way. And now I love blender workflow