Asset Bundle - Base Meshes

Why would you ever use subdivision levels higher than four?

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That has to do with the pointi function and nothing with the mesh. Its somewhat inaccurate and i had this problem countless times… Solved by scaling and applying the mesh but that messes up sss and its a so called vicious circle…

Anyhow i subdivide my meshes for sculpting to 6 and thats a pretty nice resolution for skin details…

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My guess is the higher subdivision leads to zero-sized quads (due to float precision) at the default scale, which confuse the pointiness function.


That seems to be the issue. I’ll make a bug report for this so it can be fixed properly.
It’s not an issue specific to these assets.


There is one in the old system and it can be fixed but no time for it… That was the situation i think. Its an error on how its implemented and not really a bug

the size of human eye seems to be incorrect

i’ve set scale roughly matching information from wiki

i assume all other facial proportions are wrong accordingly.


Thanks for flagging!

The size was based on adult average initially so the relative proportions should be correct within reasonable bounds of cranio-anatomical differences across humans. The female and neutral base model is based on scan data and is an equal blend between asian, african and european subjects.

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Thanks for letting me know of the issue! I should’ve found this myself earlier.
I will look into this and update the asset bundle. The female full body is the most correct. The other realistic assets will be fixed to follow that standard.

I started a male counterpart, if people are happy with the female one I can share that once done. I’ll be offline for a month but once I’m back I’d be happy to wrap it up and send it over if you’d like.


That would be wonderful! I’m glad I got to share the base mesh from the Studio for now but a highly anatomically accurate scan model is definitely preferred :+1:


There is an Elephant I like to share. Please tell if you are interested.

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That would be great. I think it will be a while before an “Animal Base Meshes” asset bundle would be released but I can add the model and your credit for now :+1:

I did some topology fixes.

Don’t want to sound rude or something, but why isn’t the Blender Studio making the Base Meshes?

No worries. It’s mostly just about available time.
The initial 8 based meshes were made by me. I’m still intending to work on a set of cartoony and primitive base meshes but am wrapped up in different projects for now.
The best I can do atm is moderate and collaborate with contributors to keep the asset bundle growing and up to date.
My hope got proven right that the bundle would offer much higher value if anyone is able to help out :smiley:


Yea, you are completely right.
I hope more people will help out as soon as possible because I think it’s really core thing that would really help a lot of people. Sadly I still don’t have the proper skills to make it, but hopefully in the future I could help out.

By the way, Are there any plans to ship built in with blender and not have it as a separate download?
Or make 2 different downloads, one with core asset bundle and one with 0 assets?

Also I really think the current way of downloading the asset bundle is really unintuitive. I don’t think it should be under the Demo Files tab in the Blender website (it took me way to long to find the bundle file). I think it should have a different tab that’s called Asset Bundles. And I think you should make it a separate download for each category, Realistic Human should be a different download then Stylized Human, etc.


For this, it will wait for the extensions platform that is currently being worked on

The platform will separate everything and be downloadable within blender. for now we suffer

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Till now there have been some changes on the mesh I shared. (Last update … 12:00 CET)
Feedback would be nice.

That’s good to know, thanks!
I don’t think we have to suffer so much if they just added a different tab that’s called Asset Bundles I the downloads page to just make it a bit more intuitive.

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Why not add a “workspace” in Blender at the very end of ‘all workspace tabs’ that is an active web browser that links right to a demo files page, that could be launched while inside blender?

Obviously it would only work if your computer is connected to the internet, but at least why not have one…Makes sense, right?

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