26 June 2023
Notes for weekly communication of ongoing projects and modules.
Modules & Projects
- Feedback welcome on #109151 - How to Handle Forward Compatibility - blender - Blender Projects
New Features and Changes
Grease Pencil V3
- Realtime compositor
- Improve edge detection of Kuwahara filter (commit) (Habib Gahbiche)
- Cache render compositor for repeated executions (commit) (Brecht Van Lommel)
Geometry Nodes
- Avoid costly index lookup from index mask in a few nodes (commit) (Iliya Katueshenock)
- Slightly improve performance in duplicate elements face mode (commit) (Iliya Katueshenock)
- Make evaluation and logging system aware of zones (commit) (Jacques Lucke)
- Move simulation panel higher in node editor sidebar (commit) (Iliya Katueshenock)
- Initial implementation of irradiance cache (commit) (Clément Foucault)
User Interface
- Show wait icon for file/asset browser previews while loading (commit) (Harley Acheson)
- Transform Snap
- Change the UV packing pin option into a toggle & drop-down (commit) (Campbell Barton)
- Resolve inconsistency with modifier labels while assigning shortcuts (commit) (Campbell Barton)
- Change point light to double-sided sphere light (EEVEE too) (commit) (Weizhen Huang)
- Remove clamping of area lights at small spread angles (commit) (Weizhen Huang)
- Add vertical reordering in NLA editor (commit) (Nate Rupsis)
- Change channel selection key preferences in industy compatible keymap (commit) (Pratik Borhade)
Python API
- Require a unique_id for bl_ui.generic_ui_list (commit) (Campbell Barton)
Weekly Reports
- Bastien Montagne
- Campbell Barton
- Chris Blackbourn
- Dalai Felinto
- Falk David
- Germano Cavalcante
- Hans Goudey
- Harley Acheson
- Jacques Lucke
- Jeroen Bakker
- Julian Eisel
- Lukas Tönne
- Miguel Pozo
- Nathan Vegdahl
- Omar Emara
- Pratik Borhade
- Sergey Sharybin
- Thomas Dinges
- Weizhen Huang
- Wu Yiming
- Brad Clark