2024-09-12 Animation & Rigging module meeting

The meeting will be on 2024-09-12T16:00:00Z. It is open for everybody interested to join the video call (link below).

People present are referred to by first name for brevity. Others are referred to by full name.

Present: Eduardo Rubio, Jeremy Bot, Luciano Muñoz, Nacho de Andrés, Nika Kutsniashvili, Nathan Vegdahl, Sybren Stüvel



Names are from the Git log. This list is limited to functional improvements & bugfixes.


Ongoing Work

  • High Prio bugs:
  • Christoph:
  • Nathan:
    • Nathan’s weekly report
    • Working on the new strip data storage model: #126559: WIP: Anim: change how action strip data is stored
      • Making good progress. Functionally everything pretty much works now. Still left to do:
        • Clean up the current code to be PR worthy, and get that landed.
        • Actually delete strip data with the strips.
        • Do type refinement in the RNA API so that strips that use different data types will themselves show up as different types.
    • Hjalti reported #127508: Breakdowner not affecting some properties. What priority?
      • Luciano: sometimes the properties displayed on a controller bone are not stored on that bone, possible that this is that?
      • Nathan checks, and all properties are on the selected bone.
      • Sybren: this is regression, so high prio.
      • Nika: tried renaming the props that don’t work, and then they do work. The name might not be related – it could be that changing the name refreshes something, and that makes it work.
  • Sybren:
    • Sybren’s weekly report
    • Small discussion with Clément Foucault about selecting bones. His response later in the chat:
      Selection of bones as IDs is not changed by Overlay Next. The GPU selection code doesn’t even use the IDs provided by the bone drawing code (it uses an internal map that maps the ID to a buffer offset).
      So, it will be a matter of just expanding the selection ID uint32 to uint64 everywhere on CPU (or create a nice abstraction for it). There will still be a upper limit of 2^32 selectable entity but I bet other systems will break down at this point.
    • #127489: Anim: Slotted Actions support for the NLA
    • Slotted Actions maybe for 4.3?
      • Nika: don’t stress, go for 4.4 and enjoy a full alpha phase.
  • Animator meeting at Blender HQ, with Hjalti Hjálmarsson, and Pablo Fournier:

Help Needed

  • We need help in testing the slotted Actions! With the most recent daily build of Blender 4.3-alpha:

    • Turn on Developer Extras, in the Preferences.
    • Also in Preferences: Experimental section, enable New Slotted Actions.
    • Create new Actions by keying, as usual.
    • In order to share an Action between different datablocks, assign the Action (in the Action editor, or in the Properties editor) before you start keying.
    • If things behave weirdly / buggily, please file a bug! (In Blender: Help → Report a Bug)
    • Or discuss your findings in #module-animation on Blender Chat
  • Nika: Shape Keys mode of Dope Sheet is behaving strange, when you select a non-mesh object (like a light). He’ll make a bug report.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 2024-09-17T10:00:00Z. Again it will be open for everybody who’s interested. The provisionary meeting agenda will be updated before the meeting.