2024-09-05 Animation & Rigging module meeting

The meeting will be on 2024-09-05T16:00:00Z. It is open for everybody interested to join the video call (link below).

People present are referred to by first name for brevity. Others are referred to by full name.

Present: Christoph Lendenfeld, David W, Draven, Eduardo Rubio, Jorn, Nathan Vegdahl, Sybren Stüvel


Since the Last Meeting / Announcements

  • New face: Jorn, animator in NL. Also does some rigging.
  • Slotted Actions final stretch is planned (#120406)
    • Work should finish end of September.
    • Go out of ‘experimental’ in Blender 4.4-alpha.


Names are from the Git log. This list is limited to functional improvements & more ‘interesting’ bugfixes.


Technical Documentation

Ongoing Work

  • High Prio bugs:
  • Christoph:
  • Nathan:
  • Sybren:
    • Sybren’s weekly report
    • Action+Slot selectors in Property editor. For Mesh + Shape Key: if there is no Shape Key data-block, you cannot select its Action. Different approaches:
      1. Hide from view (is what will land in main soon)
      2. Show a label (like “Add a shape key to set its Action”)
      3. Show the Action selector but then greyed out (hardest to implement because there is no data-block to set the Action on, and Blender’s GUI code doesn’t like drawing non-existing things).
      • Nathan: Seems ok to me. Doesn’t know if the other options are actually benefitial. Maybe ask UI module.
      • Rest of the module agrees.
    • Fix to Camera: support camera shift and focal length.
  • Animator meeting at Blender HQ, with Rik Schutte, Hjalti Hjálmarsson, and Pablo Fournier:
    • Demoed latest main, with working layered-action channel groups and action/slot selectors in some of the properties panels.
      • Nathan: please start testing when you get the chance, because things should be in a place now where it’s semi-usable (although surely still bugs and some limitations) even with full rigs, etc.
      • Hjalti: what about e.g. automatically putting the animation for camera object and its data in the same action?
      • Nathan: Christoph is currently working on that. In the mean time, you can set it up manually with the new action selectors.
    • Discussed how there are a bunch of animation tools that only work in pose mode (e.g. the breakdowner).
      • Hjalti: this is particularly painful when doing layout/previs work, which is often a messy mix of armature and object animation.
      • Nathan: maybe this is something I could work on Q4? I’ll talk to Sybren about it.
    • Rik: we’ll probably be doing some rigging work ourselves now. There are some cool approaches to facial rigging that would be nice to partially automate. Also, weight painting tools are unreliable.

Patches: Review & Decision Time

  • #125658: Fix #125610: Graph channels not selected with column select function
    • Sybren: how to move forward, given that the underlying issue is caused by fairly inconsistently working operators?
    • Christoph: makes sense to postpone until layered Actions are done. For that, we also plan to re-do animation filtering & selection syncing.
    • Nathan & Sybren: +1
  • #121523: Anim: Eyedropper for bone properties Worth pushing for 4.3 ?
    • Christoph: people want it, but the current implementation of the PR has some downsides. It’s hard to limit the eyedropper to just the selected Armature. Or to make it change both the Armature and the Bone.
    • Sybren: check bone.id_data in RNA.
    • Sybren: and yes, let’s push this to see if we can get it into 4.3.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Thursday 2024-09-12T16:00:00Z. Again it will be open for everybody who’s interested. The provisionary meeting agenda will be updated before the meeting.


Are there any plans to add the ability to keyframe the channel modifiers? None of these are animatable unfortunately.

Not in their current implementation. When talking long-term, there are some ideas on how to re-implement F-Curve modifier behaviour when looking at layered animation. What that’s going to look like exactly still has to be designed. An animated ‘influence’ slider, that allows you to dial the modifiers’ effects in and out, will be there for sure. But, as I said, that’s long term stuff.

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